Tribunal held that date of transfer of land was date of joint development agreement and on this date no flats owned by assessee hence bar does not apply. under the unamended provisions of S. 54F, the assessee has to invest in a residential house by way of purchase within two years or by way of construction within three years after the date of transfer of the original asset. The acquisition of the new residential house can be more than one under the unamended provisions of S. 54F and more than unit of residential house was also eligible for exemption under S.54F. (AY.2012-13)
Prathap Kumar N. v. CIT (2020) 77 ITR 66 (SN) (Bang.)(Trib.)
S. 54F : Capital gains-Investment in a residential house-Date of transfer of land was date of joint development agreement and on this date no flats owned by assessee-Bar does not apply. Acquisition of new residential house can be more than one-More than one unit of residential house eligible for exemption. [S. 45]