Answers On Category: Income-Tax
  Cost of acquisition for a flat received after re-development
Hi All, my dad was a tenant and the redevelopment agreement was signed then. He passed away and consequently it was transferred to my mom. She signed the PAA in 2019 and we finally have sold the flat in 2022. what can be the cost of acquisition in this case. its very confusing answers that i am reading. Appreciate your help here

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  whether one WP can be filed for two assessment years if issue involved is same
assessee is partnership firm. has received the Notices U/Sec. 148 for A.Y. 2013-14 and 2014-15 after 31.03.2021. Therefore, wishes to challenged the  validity of the same . whether assessee has to filed two separate WP or can file One WP mentioning facts for each year separately in the petition. pl guide

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  Partition of HUF and Taxability of amount received by member
Assessee is an individual. During life time of his wife who was bed return due to bad health, married with another lady. He had children from first wife .   The first wife expired after the second marriage.  The entire community and other family members have accepted second lady  as wife of the individual. The person had a girl child from the second lady. On all records the name of children from first wife , daughter of second child and second wife have stated as members of HUF of the individual. After the death of an individual, the full partition…

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  Penalty notice u/s 271B
Dear sir, Penalty notice u/s 271B received on 11.11.2019, what is the time limit for completion of penalty proceeding.

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  Procedure for Withdrawal Appeal filed to Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals)
Dear Sir I have filed appeal against the order under section 143(1) of the Income Tax Act 1961 passed by NGP-W-(4)(4) vide DIN No NA on 3/11/2021 for AY 2020-2021 to Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals)Income Tax Department. This Appeal I have filed in addition to Rectification Request filed in favour of Income Tax Assessing Officer.  But Last I have got notice from Commissioner of Income tax(Appeals) stating that I have to submit  ground wise written submission , alongwith suporting documentary evidences on or before 24th April 2022, But inbetween  on 12th April 2022 I have got order against my…

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  Issue of demand notice 156 in name of dead person
During the course of assessment proceedings, the assessee died and the assessment was made on one of the legal heir of the assessee who filed that he may be taken as legal heir in this case. The assessment was made in the name of legal heir but the demand notice issued in the name of dead peron(assessee) What is the validity of such demand

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  Notice u/s 148A
I am in receipt of a notice u/s 148A of the Act relating to AY 2015-2016. I have not filed the return of income during that year inadvertently because the operations resulted in a huge loss and turn over was 95 lakhs only. Can i file a return of income in response to notice u/s 148A or shall wait for a notice u/s 148 to receive from the department

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  Extension of time limit for issue of notice due to covid
Was any extension of tome allowed for issue of notice u/s. 142(1) or u/s. 143(2) for the assessment Year 2020-21 due to covid?

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  Stamp duty Value and Claim of Deduction U/Sec. 80IBA
As per provisions of Sec. 80IBA, the maximum value of the house to be constructed for being eligible for deduction  under this section for projects approved after 1.09.2019 shall be restricted to Rs. 45 lakhs as per Stamp duty Rates. Does this means developers can sale the units for any consideration more than 45 lakhs also till the stamp duty valuation is 45 lakhs. ? Whether tolarance limit of 10% as given in Sec. 43CA and 50C is applicable while considering stamp duty rates of the residential units for claiming deduction U/Sec.80IBA ? pl guide .

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  Taxation and Tax Audit of Government entity
A battalion of reserve police force (RPF) has been allotted a petroleum retail outlet by Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. for sale of Petrol and Diesel. The battalion office has got its PAN under Government category with 4the character of PAN being 'G' and based on that PAN GSTIN has also been allotted. The petrol pump is selling Petrol and Diesel to public, other departments of state and central governments, and it has captive consumption as well. The sale during the FY 2021-22 which is the first year of operation is Rs.11.13 crores. Please advise on followings : 1. Whether Tax…

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