R. A. K. Ceramics v. DCIT ( 2019) 176 DTR 345/ 199 TTJ 373 (Hyd.)(Trib.), www.itatonline.org

S. 249 : Appeal-Commissioner (Appeals)-Form of appeal and The power conferred upon the CIT(A) to condone the delay in filing of appeal is to alleviate genuine suffering of taxpayers-He has the power and corresponding duty to exercise the power when circumstances so warrant-U/s. 14 of the Limitation Act, delay caused due to proceeding in a wrong forum has to be condoned- [ S.249(3)]

Allowing the appeal of the assessee the Tribunal held that The power conferred upon the CIT(A) to condone the delay in filing of appeal is to alleviate genuine suffering of taxpayers. He has the power and corresponding duty to exercise the power when circumstances so warrant. U/s 14 of the Limitation Act, delay caused due to proceeding in a wrong forum has to be condoned. Article 2(1) of the India-UAE DTAA provides that the taxes covered shall include tax and surcharge thereon. Education cess is nothing but an additional surcharge & is also covered by the definition of taxes. (ITA No.: 2043/Hyd/18, dt. 29.03.2019)(AY. 2012-13)