Ramesh Kumar Agarwal v .ITO (2020) 80 ITR 436 ( Delhi) (Trib)

S.28(i): Business loss —Cancellation of purchase orders — Business transactions it is not necessary that all the transactions should be proved by documentary evidence- Loss deductible .

Tribunal held that in the business transactions it is not necessary that all the transactions should be proved by documentary evidence. In business, orders were placed orally as well and particularly when the transactions had been confirmed by the parties, there was no reason to doubt the statements of the parties or their reply. The documentary evidence which had not been rebutted by the Assessing Officer could not have been disbelieved by him on irrelevant reasons. The Assessing Officer did not examine the parties from whom the assessee had purchased the items under reference which he had later on sold to other parties when the two parties refused to accept the goods from the assessee. The Assessing Officer had failed to establish that the loss suffered by the assessee was not genuine.  Loss is held to be allowable as deduction ( AY.2014-15)