Sanjay Kaul. v. ITO (2020) 181 ITD 146 / 206 TTJ 176 /82 ITR 441 / 191 DTR 60 (Delhi) (Trib.) Editorial : Affirmed in Sanjay Kaul v. PCIT ( 2020) 427 ITR 63/ 274 Taxman 301/ 119 470/193 DTR 57/ 316 CTR 337

S. 68 : Cash credits – Accommodation entries – Tax Avoidance- Bogus short term capital loss- Addition is held to be justified .[ S.45 ]

The  assessee claimed short-term capital loss of certain amount on sale of shares. .On the basis of information from the investigation wing the price movement of shares was also found to be unrealistic .  On appeal the asssessee  could not rebut these adverse findings by AO  Tribunal held that on facts, short-term capital loss claimed by assessee was not genuine  and addition is held to be justified . ( AY. 2015 -16)