Saranya Agro Foods Pvt. Ltd. v. ITO (2023)101 ITR 60 (SN)(Chennai) (Trib)

S. 253 : Appellate Tribunal-Monetary limit-50 lakhs monetary limit for appeal by Department-Circular laying down limit applicable to retrospectively even to pending appeals. [CBDT Circular No. 17 Of 2019, Dated August 8, 2019] [S. 268A]

Held, that in view of the CBDT Circular No. 17 of 2019, dated August 8, 2019 no appeal should be filed by the Revenue before the Tribunal which has tax effect of Rs. 50 lakhs or less and this circular is also applicable retrospectively to all pending appeals. Therefore, the appeal filed by the Revenue was dismissed as not maintainable. (AY. 2014-15)