Synthite Industries Ltd. v. CIT (2018) 404 ITR 605 (Ker) (HC)

S.45: Capital gains —Sale of agricultural Land — Land should be agricultural at the time of sale — Purchase of agricultural land for building factory and subsequent sale as residential plots — Profits is not exempt from capital gains tax [ S. 2(14)(iii) ]

Dismissing the appeal of the assessee the Court held that ; though the property was once an agricultural land, its acquisition was for non-agricultural purposes, the assessee did not carry on any agricultural activity in the land and at the relevant date, viz., the date of sale, the land had ceased to be agricultural. The assessee did not have a case that the land was not treated as stock-in-trade. Its business also included real estate development. Therefore, the Tribunal was justified in its conclusion that there was transfer of the asset. The gains from the transfer were not exempt from capital gains tax. ( AY. 2007-08 to 2010-11  )