UOI v. Shreya Sen (2019) 262 Taxman 370 /174 DTR 265/ 306 CTR 609 (SC) Editorial : Shreya Sen v. UOI ( 2018) 257 taxman 95/ 407 ITR 37 (Delhi) (HC), partly reversed .

S.139AA:Quoting of Aadhaar number-From assessment years 2019-20 ,linkage of PAN with Aadhaar card is mandatory .

High Court had permitted the assessee to file Income tax returns for the assessment  year 208-19 without liking their Aadhaar and PAN numbers and also directed that Income Tax Department would not insist on production of their Aadhaar number . When  the High Court has passed the order the matter was spending before Supreme Court . Thereafter Supreme Court decided the matter and up held  vires of S. 139AA of the Act. In view thereof , linkage of PAN with Aadhaar card was mandatory . As the assessment for the assessment year 208-19 was completed , for the subsequent  assessment years  Income tax Return shall be filed  in conformity to Supreme Court order.