Ziauddin A .Siddique v JCIT ( Mum) (Trib) www.itatonline .org Editorial . Appeal of assessee is admitted , Zuddin A .Siddique v JCIT (Bom) (HC) ( ITA No. 287 of 2015 dt 31-10-2017 )

S.68: Cash credits – Suspicious transaction in shares- Penny stocks -Capital gains – Increase of 432% with in six months without any economic or technical basis -Purchasers could not be located-Transfer deeds did not bear the names or other particulars of the sellers-Prices on exchange was manipulated by two brokers in a systematic manner -Seller , broker , purchasers are located in different cities – Purchase and sale transactions in shares have been executed off market without in fact even fulfilling the reporting requirements in respect thereof under the regulatory frame work .- Additions confirmed as cash credits treating the transactions as bogus . [ S.45, 54F ]

Dismissing the appeal of the assesse the Tribunal held that ,

purchasers could not be located.  Transfer deeds  did not bear the names or other particulars of the sellers. Prices on exchange was manipulated by two brokers in a systematic manner .Seller , broker , purchasers  are located in different cities .Purchase and sale transactions in shares have been executed off market without in fact even fulfilling the reporting requirements in respect thereof under the regulatory frame work . Increase of 432% with in six months without any economic or technical  basis. Additions confirmed as cash credits treating the transactions as bogus  . ( ITA No . 4699 / 4700 /M/ 2011 dt 25-04  2014 ( AY. 2004-05 , 2005 -06)

(Note : Since the judgement is not reported , it is being posted now .)

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