AEP Investments (Mauritius) Ltd. v. Asst. CIT [2024] 109 ITR 89 (SN.)/ 205 ITD 584 (Delhi)(Trib)

S. 147 : Reassessment-Notice-Sale of investment in Indian company by Assessee, a tax resident of Mauritius-No return filed as capital gain was exempt in terms of Article 13(4) of the DTAA-Reopening on the basis of form 15CA filed by the Assessee-No prima facie satisfaction was recorded-Notice and the consequent reassessment order is set aside-DTAA-India-Mauritius.[S. 148, Form 15CA, Art. 13(4)]

During relevant AY, Assessee earned capital gain from sale of its shares in an Indian company and did not file return on ground that same were exempt in terms of article 13(4) of the DTAA. The ITAT observed that the Assessee had made remittances in respect of the aforementioned transaction and filed Form 15CA in respect thereof. This Form 15CA formed the basis on which the assessment was reopened by the AO without recording any independent satisfaction of his own. The ITAT held that even though the AO, at the stage of reopening is required to form only a prima facie satisfaction that income chargeable to tax has escapement assessment. In this case, no such prima facie satisfaction was found from the reasons recorded. Hence, there was no escapement of income and the notice issued u/s 148 was held as void ab initio and consequently the assessment was treated as nullity. (AY. 2017-18)