AIM Fincon (P) Ltd v. ACIT( 2024) 166 680 ( Guj)( HC) . Editorial : SLP of Revenue is dismissed for failure to explain the delay of 489 days in filing of SLP , ACIT v. AIM Fincon (P.) Ltd. (2024) 301 Taxman 169 (SC)

S. 147 : Reassessment –With in four years-Accommodation entries – Sale of shares – All material with respect to transaction at time of original assessment – Assessing Officer was satisfied with the explanation- Change of opinion – Reassessment notice and order disposing the objection is quashed . [ S. 68, 132, 148 , Art. 226 ]

Assessee-company sold shares of two companies to a company namely SCPL for consideration of Rs. 40 lakhs.  Assessment was completed under section 143(3) without making any addition in respect transaction of sale of shares .After four years, Assessing Officer issued reopening notice against assessee on ground that assessee was beneficiary of accommodation entries to tune of Rs. 40 lakhs, which was sum received from SCPL . On writ the Court held that  Assessing Officer already had information with respect to certain shares which were sold for consideration to SCPL. If Assessing Officer was not satisfied with explanation furnished by assessee, at that stage, he could have exercised powers to make addition but did not choose to do anything on such count . Accordingly the action of reopening was merely change of opinion on same set of facts, which was disclosed and considered by Assessing Officer during assessment . Reassessment notice and order disposing the objection is quashed . ( AY. 2012 -13)