Altisource Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd. v. ITO (2022) 99 ITR 647 (Bang) (Trib)

S. 92C : Transfer pricing-Arm’s length price-Comparables-Functionally dissimilar-Huge turnover and a giant company-Extrodinary events-Excluded from final list of comparable companies-Deferred trade receivables constitute International Transaction-Rate of Libor at six months + 400 basis points adopted by TPO was without any basis-Matter remanded. [S.92CA]

Held that functionally dissimilar, huge turnover and a giant company, extrodinary events companies are to be   excluded from final list of  comparable companies.  Deferred trade receivables constitute International Transaction.  Rate of  Libor at  six months + 400 basis points adopted by TPO was without any basis. Interest computation if at all should be based on the delay of individual invoices, which has not been done. The prime lending rate should not be considered and this reasoning will apply to adopting short-term deposit interest rate offered by the State Bank of India also. The rate of interest would be on the basis of the currency in which the loan was to be repaid. The issue with regard to determination of the arm’s length price in respect of the international transaction of giving extended credit period for receivables was to be examined afresh by the Assessing Officer/Transfer Pricing Officer on the guidelines laid down in the decision in Tech Books International (P.) Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2015) 63 114 (Delhi) (Trib.), after affording the assessee opportunity of being heard. (AY.2014-15)