Category: Allied Laws

Archive for the ‘Allied Laws’ Category

Panchanan Dhara & Ors. v. Monmatha Nath Maity (Dead) through LRs. & Anr. 2006 (5) SCC 340/AIR 2006 SC 2281/MANU/SC/2287/2006

Companies Act, 1956.
.S.46: Binding effect of deed executed by directors on behalf of company – Company is held liable and not the Director.-Plea of limitation which was raised for the first time was not allowed to be raised on the facts of the case . [Companies Act, 1956, S.48, Limitation Act, 1963, Art. 54, Indian Contract Act, 1872, S. 29]

Dr. Rini Johar & Another v. State of M.P. & Ors. AIR 2016 SC 2679/(2016) 11 SCC 703/MANU/SC/0667/2016

Code of Criminal Procedure,1973
S.41: Arrest – Procedure to be followed by Police Officer if situation/circumstance is covered u/s 41 and 41A of the Cr.P.C., i.e., where the maximum sentence for such a crime would not exceed 7 years and where proper reasoning for the arrest is required.[Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, S.41A Constitution of India , Art , 32 ]

Council of ICAI v. Gurvinder Singh (2018) 259 Taxman 311 (SC)/(2019) SC 11 785;

Chartered Accountants Act, 1949
S.22: Professional misconduct – A Chartered Accountant can be held guilty of professional misconduct even when he is acting as an individual in commercial dealings and is not acting as a Chartered Accountant nor discharging any function in relation to his practice as a Chartered Accountant. Under the Chartered Accountants Act, any action which brings disrepute to the profession or the Institute is misconduct whether or not related to professional work. [Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, S.21(3)]

P. Leelavathi (D) (Smt.) by LR v. V. Shankarnarayana Rao (D) by LRs MANU/ SC/0497/2019/2019 SCC OnLine SC 489

Benami Transactions (Prohibition of Right to Recover Property) Ordinance, 1988.
S.2: A mere financial assistance to purchase immovable property cannot be treated as Benami Transaction.

Ram Chander Talwar v. Devender Kumar Talwar (2010) 10 SCC 671/159 Comp. Cas. 646/MANU/SC/0833/2010

Banking Regulation Act,1949
S.45ZA(2): Nomination for payment of depositor’s money – Nominee rights – Bank Account – Rule of Succession – Death of Depositor- Nominee will have all the rights of the depositor, so far as the depositor’s account is concerned, however, does not make him owner of the money lying in said account – Distribution of money will depend on rules of succession governing the deceased. [Government Saving Certificates Act, 1961, S.6(1)]

Sundaram Finance Limited v. Abdul Samad 2018 (2) SCALE 467/MANU/SC

Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
S.36: Execution of awards – Anywhere in the country – No requirement for obtaining a transfer of the decree from the Court which would have jurisdiction over the arbitral proceedings. [Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, S.36, 40; Civil Procedure Code, 1908, S.46]

Himalayan Cooperative Group Housing Society v. Balwan Singh (2015) 7 SCC 373/AIR 2015 SC 2867

Advocates Act , 1961
S.33: – Bar Council of India – Counsel needs express authority to enter settlement/compromise – Admission by counsel – Client is not bound by the statement or admission. [ Bar Council of India Rules , 1975 , Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, S.151, Order III Rule 1, Constitution of India 1950 Art. 226, 227]

B. Santoshamma v. D. Sarala ;MANU/SC/0698/2020 (SC)

Specific Relief Act 1963.
S.12 : Specific performance of part of Contract -The onus of proof lies on the party who makes an allegation- Time is not of essence to agreements for sale of immovable property, unless the agreement specifically and expressly incorporates the consequence of cancellation of the agreement, upon failure to comply with a term within the stipulated date. [ S. 10 11 (2) 14 , Limitation Act ,1963 , S 21(1) ]

Hari Krishna Mandir Trust v. State of Maharashtra & Ors (2020) 9 SCC 356; MANU/SC/0580/2020; AIR 2020 SC 3969 (SC));

Constitution of India,
Art. 226, High Courts bound to issue Writ of Mandamus – For enforcement of public duties – Right to property is a fundamental right and human right. [Art. 300A ]

Shailendra Swarup v. The Deputy Director, Enforcement AIR 2020 SC 3890; MANU/SC/0544/2020 (SC) www.itatonline .org Editorial: FERA, 1973 has been substituted with FEMA, 1999. Section 51 of FERA, 1973 is similar to section 13(1) of FEMA, 1999.

Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA), 1973
S. 8, Liability for Offense – Role played by in Company Affairs – Not designation or Status . [ S. 51, 68]