Category: Income-Tax Act

Archive for the ‘Income-Tax Act’ Category

Jagdish Chandra Suwalka v. Jt. CIT (2023) 154 504/ 105 ITR 480 / 225 TTJ 161 (SMC)(Jaipur) (Trib)

S. 271D : Penalty-Takes or accepts any loan or deposit-Penalty could not be imposed after expiry of period of limitation.[S. 275(1)((c)]

Kundan Industries Ltd. v. JCIT(TDS) (Mum)(Trib) (UR)

S. 271C : Penalty-Failure to deduct at source-Tax deducted at source-Deposited with interest-Survey-Reasonable cause-Levy of penalty is not justified.[S.133A]

Yes Bank Ltd. v Add. CIT (TDS) (2023)101 ITR 13 (SN) (Dehradun) (Trib)

S. 271C : Penalty-Failure to deduct at source-Interest payable to Uttarakhand Environment Protection and Pollution Control Board on FDs with the assessee-Board not a taxable entity, established under Central Act-Penalty not leviable. [S. 194A(3)(iii)(f), Notification No. S. O. 3489(E), Dated 22-10-1970.]

Gill Rice Mill Guru Sar Sahnewala v. Dy. CIT (2023) 105 ITR 717 (Amritsar)(Trib)

S.271B: Penalty-Failure to get accounts audited-Delay in filing audit report due to change of tax auditor-Reasonable cause for delay-Penalty cannot be levied

Jigneshbhai Rasikbhai Savalia v. ITO (2023) 200 ITD 271 / 224 TTJ 907 (SMC) (Surat) (Trib)

S. 271B : Penalty-Failure to get accounts audited-Audit report filed along with the return-Levy of penalty is not justified.

Sonia Verma v. ITO (2023) 200 ITD 1/103 ITR 282/ 223 TTJ 870 (SMC)(Chd) (Trib)

S. 271D : Penalty-Takes or accepts any loan or deposit-Sale of flat-assessee collecting sale proceeds and also purchasing for daughter’s wedding-Failure on part of assessee reasonable-Words, “reasonable cause” and “Reasonable” to be taken into consideration as per 273B-Held, a penalty not to be imposed. [S. 273B]

Dy. CIT v. Becon Constructions P. Ltd. (2023)104 ITR 74 (SN)(Delhi)(Trib)

S. 271(1)(c): Penalty-Concealment-Search-Search initiated on or after 1st June, 2007-Bogus purchases-Penalty in search cases cannot be levied u/s. 271(1)(c) for AY. 2012-13 .[S. 271AAA]

Dy. CIT v. Havells India Ltd. (2023) 103 ITR 16 (SN)(Delhi)(Trib)

S. 271(1)(c): Penalty —Concealment-CIT (A) observed that assessee was subjected to pay taxes u/s 115JB,even after taking into consideration additions made in assessment order-held, with reference to cbdt circular no. 25 of 2015, dated 31.12.2015 penalty was not leviable-Order upheld. [S.115JB]

Add. CIT v. AON Services India P. Ltd. (2023) 150 344/ 103 ITR 21 (SN)(Delhi)(Trib)

S. 271(1)(c): Penalty-Concealment-Transfer pricing adjustment-Application of filters and selection of comparables are debatable issues-not ground for levy of penalty-suo-moto disallowance of provision for doubtful debts-tribunal directed the ao to withdraw disallowance after verification-as addition did not survive-cancellation of penalty justified-denial of deduction u/s 10a-proposed in draft assessment order but deleted by drp-deduction allowed in full in final assessment order-penalty does not survive.

Ashvin Narayan Bajoria (HUF) v ITO (2023) 103 ITR 25 (SN) (Surat) (Trib)

S. 271(1)(c):Penalty-Concealment-Assessee declared additional income in his ROI filed in response to S. 148 notice-the same was accepted by the AO without any variation-Held, Penalty was not leviable. [S. 147, 148]