CIT v. Lok Sewa Sansthan Samiti Sonebhadra (2019) 105 202 / 263 taxman 496 (All.)(HC) Editorial : SLP of revenue is dismissed, CIT v. Lok Sewa Sansthan Samiti Sonebhadra (2019) 263 Taxman 495 (SC)

S. 80G : Donation-When registration is granted application u/s. 80G(5) cannot be rejected.[S. 12AA, 80G(5)]

CIT (E ) rejected assessee’s application u/s 12AA of the Act . High Court held that   as there was no adverse material against assessee to come to conclusion that it was not a charitable institution or organization it is entitle to registration (CIT v. Lok Sewa Sansthan Samiti Sonebhadra  ITA No 139 of 2011  dt 2-07-2013). Following the order of granting of registration the Court held that once registration is granted application u/s. 80G(5) cannot be rejected.