CIT v Sun Enginering Works (1992) 198 ITR 297 (SC)

Interpretation of taxing statutes-Judgements to be read .

Art : 141:Precedent – The judgment must be read as a whole and the observations from the judgment have to be considered in the light of the questions which were before this Court- Reassessment [ Income -tax Act ,1961 ,S.147 , 148 ]

“It is neither desirable nor permissible to pick out a word or a sentence from the judgment of this Court, divorced from the context of the question under consideration and treat it to be the complete ‘law’ declared by this Court. The judgment must be read as a whole and the observations from the judgment have to be considered in the light of the questions which were before this Court. A decision of this Court takes its colour from the questions involved in the case in which it is rendered and while applying the decision to a latter case, the Courts must carefully try to ascertain the true principle laid down by the decision of this Court and not to pick out words or sentences from the judgment, divorced from the context of the questions under consideration by this Court, to support their reasonings.”