DRB Exports Pvt. Ltd. v. CIT (2018) 169 DTR 193 / 305 CTR 95 (Cal)(HC)

S. 68 : Cash credits – Share capital- Most of the address of share holders are identical-They could not be traced despite issue of notice u/s 131 of the Act –Affidavits are similarly worded- .Addition is held to be justified. [S. 131]

Dismissing the appeal of the revenue the Court held that, the balance-sheets or the accounts of the applicants for shares were not furnished by the assessee. On the contrary, the assessee purported to rely on similarly-worded affidavits apparently produced from the persons whose existence was doubted at every stage by the authorities. It is curious that 21 share applicants would write identical letters to the two proprietorship concerns of the principal person in control of the assessee and his wife on the same date and such persons would require the amounts standing to their credit in the proprietorship concern to be made over as share application money to the assessee company and all such 21 applicants would leave Calcutta within a few years of applying for such shares. The lower authorities drew the appropriate conclusions from the facts.