Ganesh Ginning Factory v.Asst. CIT(2023)101 ITR 90 (SN) (Ahd) (Trib) Gajanand Ginning and Pressing Pvt. Ltd v. ITO (2023)101 ITR 90 (SN) (Ahd) (Trib) Premjibhai Vallabhbhai Kukadiya v. ITO (2023)101 ITR 90 (SN) (Ahd) (Trib)

S. 37(1) : Business expenditure-Debit of cash discount prior to crystalising during year and not in prior or subsequent year-Deduction allowable. [S. 145]


Held that debit of cash discount prior to crystalising during year and not in prior or subsequent year allowable as deduction. (AY. 2011-12)