An information was received from ADIT (In) that during search conducted in case of Himanshu Verma Group it was found that Himanshu Verma Group was engaged in activity of providing bogus accommodation entries and that assessee was also a beneficiary of Himanshu Verma Group. On basis of such information, reopening notice was issued against assessee. CIT also granted sanction under S. 151 of the Act. It was found that reasons recorded in support of reopening notice recorded activity Himanshu Verma Group group in providing accommodation entries while order granting sanction proceeded on basis that it was assessee who was engaged in providing accommodation entries. Court held that it is a settled position in law that grant of sanction by CIT under S. 151 is not a mechanical act on his part but it requires due application of mind to reasons recorded before granting sanction. Accordingly the Court held that the sanction order indicated non-application of mind to reasons recorded for reopening hence reopening notice was bad in law and quashed. (AY. 2011-12)
My Car (Pune) (P.) Ltd. v. ITO (2019) 263 Taxman 626/ 179 DTR 236 (Bom.)(HC)
S. 151 : Reassessment-Sanction for issue of notice-Sanction order indicated non-application of mind to reasons recorded for reopening, therefore, reopening notice was bad in law and quashed. [S.147, 148]