This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 11 : Property held for charitable purposes – Activities of publication of newspaper and complementary publication to provide information regarding Government welfare schemes to general public-Not carrying on activity in nature of trade or commerce- Eligible exemption. [S. 2(15), 10 (23C(iv)]

Madhya Pradesh Madhyam v. ACIT (2019) 174 ITD 751/ 198 TTJ 949/ 178 DTR 180 (Indore) (Trib.)

S. 80IA :Industrial undertakings – Infrastructure development- Commission agent of BSNL- Providing basic telecommunication services as defined u/s 2(k) of TRAI Act, 1997 to its customers- Entitled to deduction [ S.80IA(4) (ii), Indian Telegraph Rules 1951 and TRAI Act, 1997]

Sabdhagiri Telecom v. ITO (2019) 173 DTR 100 / 306 CTR 300 (Mad)( HC)

S.37(1): Business expenditure – Capital or revenue -Sub -lease -Payment made to vacate the premises – Through negotiation assessee acquired some kind of an enduring right of possession over occupied area of said premises surrendered to them by those occupants—It had incidents of permanence— Expenditure is capital in nature .

United Spirits Ltd v. CIT (2018) 257 Taxman 458 / (2019) 173 DTR 315 / 306 CTR 484/(2020) 421 ITR 300 (Cal)(HC)

S. 226 : Collection and recovery – Modes of recovery – illegal Recovery – Strictures against DCIT- Adjustment of refund -High Court was not justified in its remarks against the DCIT and in issuing directions that (i) ‘deadwood’ should be weeded out (ii) personal costs of Rs. 1.5 lakh should be imposed (iii) adverse entry should be made in the Annual Confidential Report (iv) Denial of promotion etc. The directions were wholly unnecessary to the lis before the Court & are expunged [ S.234]

Sanjay Jain v. Nu Tech Corporate Service Ltd. (SC), Editorial: Nu-Tech Corporates Ltd v ,ITO ( 2018) 259 Taxman 183 ( Bom) (HC)

S. 80HH :Newly established industrial undertakings –Income -Profits and gains-Deduction has to be computed on the profits and gains without deducting therefrom ‘depreciation’ and ‘investment allowance’ & not from income as computed under the Act. S. 80AB is prospective. [ S.80AB, 80I]

Vijay Industries v. CIT( 2019) 402 ITR 1/ 175 DTR 321/ 307 CTR 486 / 264 Taxman 265 (SC), www.itatonline.orgEditorial: Vijay Industries v. CIT ( 2004)270 ITR 175/ 190 CTR 90 (Raj) (HC)

S. 68 : Cash credits- Bogus share capital/ premium-The Assessee is under legal obligation to prove the receipt of share capital/premium to the satisfaction of the AO, failure of which, would justify addition of the said amount to the income of the Assessee- Mere mention of income tax file number of an investor is not sufficient to discharge the onus -Credit worthiness of the investor companies was not discharged -Order of AO is confirmed .

PCIT v. NRA Iron & Steel Pvt. Ltd( 2019) 412 ITR 161 /103 48 / 262 Taxman 74 175 DTR 289 / 307 CTR 353 (SC), PCIT v. NRA Iron & Steel Pvt. Ltd (Delhi)(HC) ( ITA No. 244 of 2018 dt 26-2-2108 )

S. 254(1) :Appellate Tribunal – Additional ground – validity of the assessment can be challenged at any time as it goes to the root of the matter and is a legal issue.

Cyient Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2018) 194 TTJ 69/ 167 DTR 281 (Hyd.)(Trib.)

S. 143(3) : Assessment – Assessment of amalgamating company-Notices were issued prior to the amalgamation with another company – Assessment proceedings cannot be held to be invalid [ S.142(1) 143(2) ]

Cyient Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2018) 194 TTJ 69 / 167 DTR 281(Hyd.)(Trib.)

S. 43B : Deductions on actual payment – Provision for leave encashment- Not allowable unless the amount is actually paid .

Delhi Tourism & Transport Development Corp. Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2018) 194 TTJ 305/ 170 DTR 129 (Delhi)(Trib.)

S. 40(a)(i) : Amounts not deductible – Deduction at source -Non-resident – Amount not claimed as expenditure- No disallowance can be made – Exemption certificate for non deduction of tax at source- Once certificate has been issued no disallowances can be made – If income is not chargeable to tax in India -No disallowance can be made- Once it is held that income is not chargeable to tax in India, no disallowance can be made. [ S.195 , 197 ]

Delhi Tourism & Transport Development Corp. Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2018) 194 TTJ 305 /170 DTR 129(Delhi)(Trib.)