This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 234B : Interest – Advance tax – Salary income -An assessee whose income -tax liable to be deducted at source is not liable to pay advance tax and consequently not liable to pay interest u/s 234B(1). [S. 15, 192]

J. Aditya Rao. v. ACIT (2018) 409 ITR 169 (T&AP) (HC)

S. 147 : Reassessment—Alternative remedy- Share premium-Notice based on information — Reasons for notice furnished to assessee—Writ petition against the notice is not maintainable [ S. 68,148, Art .226 ]

Sun Direct TV P. Ltd. ACIT (2018) 409 ITR 49/ 259 Taxman 228 (Mad) (HC)

S. 147 : Reassessment -Reason to believe -Based on decision of Tribunal accepting contention of Assessee’s son in his case that income was chargeable in assessee’s hands as first holder of investments in mutual funds—Formation of belief is within subjective satisfaction of Assessing officer- Notice for reopening of assessment is valid. [S. 148]

S. Rajalakshmi ( Smt.) v. ITO (2018) 409 ITR 157 / 172 DTR 36/ 305 CTR 929/ ( 2019) 260 Taxman 205(Bom.)( HC).

S. 147 : Reassessment—Shell companies–Bogus long term capital gains-Assessment under S.143(1)-Notice of reassessment based on information from departmental channels-Assessing Officer had no occasion to form opinion- pinion—Reassessment is held to be valid. [S. 10 (38), 45, 143(1), 148]

Purviben Snehalbhai Panchhigar v. ACIT (2018) 409 ITR 124 (Guj.)(HC)

S. 147 : Reassessment—Doctrine of merger—Annulment of reassessment proceedings was held as invalid -The original assessment order would automatically get restored-Doctrine of merger does not apply. [S. 143(3), 148]

Patiala Improvement Trust. ACIT (2018) 409 ITR 43 ( 2019) 175 DTR 148/ 307 CTR 443 (P&H) (HC)

S. 147 : Reassessment –Issuance of notice under S. 143(2) is mandatory -Failure to issue is not procedural irregularity –S. 292BB does not dispense with the issuance of any notice that is mandated to be issued under the Act, but merely cures the defect of service of such notice if an objection in such regard is not taken before the completion of the assessment or reassessment-Entire proceedings including any order is liable to be quashed though the assessee had participated in the course of the reassessment. [S.143(2), 148, 153(2), 292BB]

CIT v. Oberoi Hotels Pvt. Ltd. (2018) 409 ITR 132/304 CTR 988/169 DTR 179 (Cal) (HC)

S. 92C : Transfer pricing-Arm’s length price-Transactional net margin method—Exclusion of functionally different comparable companies-Finding of fact-No substantial question of law. [S. 260A]

PCIT v. Barclays Technology Centre India Pvt. Ltd. (2018) 409 ITR 138/ 305 CTR 193 /171 DTR 58 (Bom.) (HC)

S. 45 : Capital gains–Transfer- Vendor in possession till total consideration is paid-Transfer is not complete though the agreement is registered.[S.2(47)]

PCIT v. Talwalkars Fitness Club. (2018) 409 ITR 37 (Bom)(HC)

S. 40A(3) : Expenses or payments not deductible – Cash payments exceeding prescribed limits – Where the income is computed applying the gross profit rate , no disallowances can be made by applying provisions of S.40A(3) [ S. 36, R.6DD(j) ]

CIT v. Jadau Jewellers And Manufactures (P) Ltd. (2018) 409 ITR 85 (Raj)(HC) Editorial: SLP is granted to the revenue ,CIT v. Jadau Jewellers And Manufactures (P) Ltd. ( 2016) 406 ITR 4 (St.)

S. 40(a)(ia) : Amounts not deductible – Deduction at source -Insertion of second proviso by the Finance Act , 2012 , with effect from Apri1, 2003, is declaratory and curative and applicable retrospectively with effect from 1-4-2005 — Payee offering to tax sum received in its return — No disallowance can be made.[S. 37(1), 201 (1)]

CIT v. Shivpal Singh Chaudhary. (2018) 409 ITR 87 (P&H) (HC)