This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 263 : Commissioner – Revision of orders prejudicial to revenue – Third party statement not provided to the assessee, during revisional proceedings, basis which fresh enquired directed – Order is Invalid and remanded to the CIT for providing material and hearing objections.

Humboldt Wedag India (P) Ltd v CIT (2018) 305 CTR 452 / 167 DTR 241 (Delhi)(HC)

S. 260A : Appeal – High Court -Notice of motion for disposal of appeal vis-a-vis pendency of appeal in the first round – Directions sought –To decide the second round of appeal basis decisions rendered by various Courts cannot be granted as the second round of proceedings have not yet culminated in a final order of the Tribunal. [ S.254 (1)]

Johnson & Johnson (P) Ltd .v. CIT (2018) 168 DTR 292 (Bom.)(HC)

S. 245HA : Settlement Commission – Income-tax Settlement Commission (ITSC) went wrong in rejecting assessee’s settlement petition treating it as having abated under S. 245A(1)(iv) without any finding that the delay was attributable to the assessee [ S.245C, 245D]

M. Kantilal & Co. v. ITSC (2018)256 Taxman 216/ ( 2019) 411 ITR 542 (Guj)(HC.) M. Kantilal & Exports .v. ITSC (2018) 256 Taxman 221/( 2019) 411 ITR 542 (Guj) (HC)

S. 246A : Appeal – Commissioner (Appeals) –Filed before wrong authority-Appeal for AY 2015-16 was filed before wrong authority i.e. Ayakar Sevakendra [ASK] instead of CIT(A)] – CIT(A) to entertain the appeal filed (on merits) along with stay applications and pass orders on stay – Demand to be kept in abeyance till CIT(A) passed the relevant orders- Matter remanded.

G.R.D. Trust v. DCIT (E) (2018) 255 Taxman 121 (Mad.)(HC)

S. 194H : Deduction at source –Commission or discount to distributors – Arrangement between assessee company and the distributor that of principal to principal basis- Amount receivable from distributor was adjusted / reduced and no commission was paid as such – Regarding MRP – restrictions on distributor (price fixed and expenses to be managed by distributor)- not to decide the relationship of principal and agent – Provisions of S.. 194H were not applicable and proceedings under S.. 201 or S.. 201(1A) are misconceived.[ S.201, 201(IA)]

Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages (P) Ltd. v. CIT (2018)402 ITR 539 /303 CTR 13 (Raj) (HC).

S. 147 : Reassessment – After the expiry of four years – Special audit report subsequent to assessment indicated claims made by the assessee for deduction and expenditures were excessive -Prima facie, no benefit of first proviso to S. 147to assessee –Order disposing objections – Considered to be valid if each objection has been considered and found unacceptable – Reopening sustainable.[ S.142(2A) ,148 ]

Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. v. DCIT(2018) 304 CTR 551 / 168 DTR 217 /91 265 (Bom.)(HC)Editorial: SLP of assessee is dismissed Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd .v. DCIT ( 2019) 260 Taxman 243 (SC).

S. 147 : Reassessment – After the expiry of four years – Full and true disclosure – Merger of AO’s order with order of CIT(A) – AO having rejected the claim of deduction under S. 80-IA(4)and the CIT(A) allowing the claim in its entirety – AO cannot reopen this very claim for possible disallowance of part thereof

Gujarat Enviro Protection & Infrastructure Ltd. v. DCIT (2018) 91 436 / 168 DTR 85 (Guj) (HC).

S. 142(2A) : Inquiry before assessment–Special audit–Limitation- Manipulation in dates by Department proved-Notices of SLP against order of High Court dismissing Writ petition against special audit under S.. 142(2A) issued and directions of High Court order stayed.

Nokia India (P) Ltd .v. Add.CIT (2018) 255 Taxman 448/ /169 DTR 1/ 304 CTR 218 (SC) Editorial: Nokia India ( p) Ltd v Add.CIT ( 2018) 92 76 (Delhi)( HC) is stayed

S. 115JA : Book profit – Adjustment of provision for bad and doubtful debts [under Clause (c) of S. 115JA(1)] is permitted only when such provision is made for an unascertained liability.

L.R.N. Finance Ltd. v. ACIT (2018) 255 Taxman 262 (Mad.)(HC)

S. 115J : Book profit – Explanation (iv) to s. 115J cannot be read or enlarged in the manner so as to allow an impermissible act of reopening of the accounts

JCIT v. South Eastern Coalfields Ltd. (2018) 303 CTR 102 / 166 DTR 321 (Chhattisgarh) (HC)