This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 92C : Transfer pricing – Arms’ length price – Selection of comparables -Finding of fact by Tribunal that (i) the activities of the assessee and comparables are functionally different(ii) the extraordinary events such as merger/amalgamation would have an impact/effect on the profitability of comparable (iii) merely because both assessee and the comparable provide ITES services they do not become comparable, cannot be interfered, more particularly in the absence of the same being shown to be perverse-No question of law. [S. 260A]

PCIT v. Aptara Technology (P) Ltd. (2018) 303 CTR 805 / 168 DTR 14/( 2019) 410 ITR 100 (Bom) (HC).

S. 80P : Co-operative societies -Providing credit facilities to members – Interest earned by the society in investing in the banks – Activity of carrying on business in the banking or providing credit facilities to its members is eligible for deduction- Matter remanded to Assessing Officer.[ S. 80P(2)(a)(i)]

Lalitamba Pattina Souharda Sahakari Niyamita v. ITO (2018) 166 DTR 400/ ( 2019) 307 CTR 770 (Karn.)(HC)

S. 80G : Donation -Recognition of institution -Without finding of fact that the funds utilised for private purposes or charitable purposes – declining approval is not justified .[ S.80G(5)(vi)]

CIT (E) .v. Seth Vinod Kumar Somani Charitable Trust (2018) 304 CTR 219 / 167 DTR 76 (P&H) (HC).

S. 69C : Unexplained expenditure – Unexplained expenditure on production is deleted as the relevant records produced by the assessee were found to be in order without any serious errors -Regarding packing material, it has been pointed out that the cost of packing material with regard to the assessee-unit as well as two other units differs, hence, addition made by AO is justified. [S. 80IB]

Darshan Singh Samyal v. CIT (2018) 303 CTR 2 /166 DTR 225 / 256 Taxman 224 (J&K)(HC)

S. 37(1) : Business expenditure –Capital or revenue-Assessee did not purchase and acquire title in the trademark or retain any rights in the mark – Lump-sum payment was for obtaining an advantage in carrying on its business as it merely facilitated the assessee’s business in India and hence of revenue nature.

Hilton Roulunds Ltd .v. CIT (2018) 304 CTR 721 / 167 DTR 131 / 255 Taxman 209 / 2019) 412 ITR 436(Delhi)(HC)

S. 12AA : Procedure for registration –Trust or institution –Genuineness of trust and its activities are not doubted – Registration cannot be refused. [ S.2(15), 11]

CIT(E) v. Shri Suparasnath Jain Sangh Trust (2018) 304 CTR 110 / 167 DTR129 (Raj) (HC)

S. 11 : Property held for charitable purposes – Application of income – Any excess expenditure incurred by the trust/charitable institution in earlier assessment year could be allowed to be set off against income of subsequent years.

CIT(E) .v. Subros Educational Society (2018) 303 CTR 1 / 166 DTR 257 / 96 652 (SC)/Editrial: Review petition of Revenue dismissed , CIT (E) v. Subros Educational Society (2022) 286 Taxman 97 (SC)

S. 100 : of the Chapter VII of the Finance (No. 2) Act, 2004 – Collection and recovery of Securities transaction tax ( STT)–Derivatives- Securities Transaction Tax (STT) at rate of 0.10 per cent on settlement price to be paid by purchaser of futures contract which were settled by way of physical delivery- No different from transaction in equity shares where contract is settled actual delivery or transfer of shares and rates of STT as applicable to such delivery based equity transactions would also be applicable to such derivative transactions.

Association of National Exchanges Members of India v. Securities and Exchange Board of India (2018) 258 Taxman 362 / 149 SCL 608 (Bom.)(HC)

Benami Property Transactions (Prohibition) Amendment Act, 2016.
S. 2(9) : Benami Transactions- Purchase of property from known source in the name of wife will not be a benami property- Husband will be de jure owner and not of his wife who will be de facto owner in whose name title deed exists, it is legally permissible for a person to purchase an immovable property in name of his spouse from his known sources. [ S.2(9)(A)(b)]

Manoj Arora v. Mamta Arora (2018) 258 Taxman 1 (Delhi)(HC)

S.17: Reassessment –Protective basis –Assets-Immovable property- Assessment could not be reopened on basis of certain stand of assessee taken before Assessing Officer in income-tax proceedings [S. 2(ea), 16(3)]

CWT v. Harakchand Uttamchand Khinvasara (HUF) (2018) 97 518/ 258 Taxman 151 (Bom.) (HC) Editorial: SLP of revenue is dismissed; CWT v. Harakchand Uttamchand Khinvasara (HUF) (2018) 258 Taxman 150 (SC)