This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 271(1)(c) :Penalty – Concealment –Disallowance of expenditure-merely because said claim was not accepted or was not acceptable to revenue, that by itself would not attract penalty.
CIT v. U.P. State Bridge Corporation Ltd. (2018) 258 Taxman 64( All) (HC) Editorial: SLP of revenue is dismissed ;CIT v. U.P. State Bridge Corporation Ltd. (2018) 258 Taxman 63 (SC)
S. 264 :Commissioner – Revision of other orders -Cash credits –In the revision order the Commissioner did not make any addition to assessee’s income and held that addition of a sum of Rs. 20 crores being a serious matter, same should be examined again –Order of Commissioner is set aside by observing that it was not quantum of additions but justification thereof which would be germane for deciding to exercise revisional powers –Remanded the matter for fresh disposal. [ S.68 ]
Nitin Babubhai Rohit v. Ashok Bhavanbhai Patel (2018) 258 Taxman 252/ 172 DTR 388/ 305 CTR 979 (Guj.)(HC)
S. 263 : Commissioner – Revision of orders prejudicial to revenue -Residence in India –Amendment to S.6(6)(a) has been brought into effect from 1-4-2004; which is not applicable for the Asst year 2003-04- Judgement of Supreme Court is binding on Assessing officer -Revision is held to be bad in law .[S.6(6)(a) ]
CIT v. Mihir Doshi (2018) 258 Taxman 93 (Bom.)(HC)
S. 260A : Appeal – High Court –No satisfactory reason has been provided for delay of 439 days in filing an appeal – Pendency of rectification application before Tribunal cannot be the reason for codonation of delay .[ S.254(2)]
Agnity Technologies ( P) Ltd v CIT( 2018) 97 515/ 258 Taxman 129 ( Delhi) (HC) Editorial: SLP of assessee is dismissed ;Spinacom India (P.) Ltd. v. CIT (2018) 258 Taxman 128 (SC)
S. 260A : Appeal – High Court –Monetary limits- CBDT Circulars continue to bind revenue and if they contain any conditions, whether such conditions are attracted or not would have to be proved and established by revenue; mere raising objection in terms of Circular would not be enough. [S.119]
PCIT v. Nawany Construction Co. (P.) Ltd. (2018) 258 Taxman 365 (Bom.)(HC)
S. 260A : Appeal – High Court – Question of matching concept which was never argued before the Tribunal nor raised before the High Court, cannot be argued first time before the High Court. [S.28(i)]
L & T Finance Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2018) 258 Taxman 282 (Bom.)(HC)
S. 251 : Appeal – Commissioner (Appeals) –Powers- Doctrine of merger- Powers –After filing an appeal the assessee filed revision application- Despite the revisional order being passed the Commissioner (Appeals) decided the same issue- Once revision petition was filed and decided, it was not open to Commissioner (Appeals) to decide appeal on same issue. [S. 264 ]
Nitin Babubhai Rohit v. Ashok Bhavanbhai Patel (2018) 258 Taxman 252/ 172 DTR 388/ 305 CTR 979 (Guj.)(HC)
S. 245D : Settlement Commission –Revenue cannot compel the Settlement Commission to reopen the earlier years by passing rectification order- Petition is dismissed. [S. 154,245C]
CIT v. Income-tax Settlement Commission (2018) 258 Taxman 36 (Guj.)(HC)
S. 237 : Refunds –Annulment of assessment -Only tax paid by assessee in excess of what was declared by it on its own in return of income would be entitled to be refunded [ S.4(1), 140A(3), 158BD, 240(b), 244]
Dr. Thirupathy Reddy (HUF) v. ACIT (2018) 258 Taxman 177/(2019) 410 ITR 186 (Mad.)(HC)
S. 234B : Interest – Advance tax – Sale proceeds were deposited in a ‘No Lien’ account with bank as per direction of BIFR – Assessee could not remit tax within time as amount received from sale proceeds were lying with bank –Rejection application for waiver of interest I held to be not justified- Directed the Commissioner to pass the order on merits. [ S.220(2)]
Travancore Sugars & Chemicals Ltd. v. Addl. CIT (2018) 258 Taxman 273 (Ker.)(HC)