S. 271(1)(c) : Penalty-Concealment-Ground raised first time before High Court-After 23 years-Defects in the Notice-Principle of natural justice cannot be raised after 23 years-Assessee participated wholeheartedly in the penalty proceedings, however, later on before the High Court raised the objection in regard to the defect in notice-The assessee had understood the contents of the notice as to which two limbs falling u/s 271(1)(c) and complied with the SCN without raising any objection-Assessee not permitted to raise the question of fact before the Court-Hence, the Revenue’s appeal allowed. [S.260A, 274,Art. 226]
Veena Estate (P.) Ltd. v. CIT (2024) 158 taxmann.com 341 / 461 ITR 483 /336 CTR 688 (Bom)(HC)