This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 14A : Disallowance of expenditure-Exempt income-Own interest free funds-Investment in its subsidiaries-No disallowance of interest expenditure can be made.[R.8D]

PCIT v. Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. (2024) 301 Taxman 427 (Guj.)(HC)

S.14A : Disallowance of expenditure-Exempt income-Insertion of Explanation to Section 14A by Finance Bill, 2022-Held prospective in nature-The ITAT’s order is set aside and orders of the CIT (Appeals) is affirmed.[S. 260A, R.8D]

Williamson Financial Services Ltd. v. CIT (2024) 301 Taxman 102 (Gauhati)(HC) Editorial : Order of Tribunal in ACIT v. Williamson Financial Services Ltd(2022) 196 ITD 422 / 218 TTJ 649/ 216 DTR 137 (Guwahati)(Trib) is reversed.

S. 12A : Registration –Trust or institution-Form No 10AB could not be up loaded due technical glitches-Commissioner is directed to accept Form No. 10AB in physical mode treating same as filed prior to last date of submission-Decide it on its own merits, considering period of delay and reasons for delay. [Form No.10AB, Art. 226]

Vaishya Welfare Gaushala and Naturopathy Shiksha Society v. Union of India (2024) 301 Taxman 496 (Chhattisgarh)(HC)

S. 9(1)(i) : Income deemed to accrue or arise in India-Business connection-Fees charged by foreign branch for providing and extending a credit line to account holder outside India in respect of credit cards issued by foreign branch and used in India is not taxable in India-Order of Tribunal is affirmed. [S. 260A]

DIT v. ANZ Grindlays Bank (2024) 301 Taxman 599 (Delhi)(HC)

S. 4 : Charge of income-tax-Rental income-Property owned by Co-Owners-Association of persons-Maximum marginal rate-Rental income received by co-owners is to be assessed as income from AOP and not in hands of assessee as income from house property under section 22-Order of Tribunal is affirmed. [S.2(31), 22, 26, 167B(2)(i), 260A]

Y. S. & Co-owners v. ITO [2024] 301 Taxman 647 (P& H)(HC)

S. 4 : Charge of income-tax-Carbon Credit (CER)-Income from realisation of carbon credit is capital in nature-Not assessable as business income. [S.28(i), 260A]

PCIT v. Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. (2024) 301 Taxman 427 (Guj.)(HC)

S. 4 : Charge of income-tax-Income from other sources –Capital or revenue-Short term deposits-Interest income is set off against expenditure-Deposits and income were inextricably linked with setting up of project, interest income on short-term deposits of funds infused by Government is in nature of capital receipt and not revenue receipt.[S. 56, 145]

HLL BIOTECH Ltd. v. CIT (2024) 301 Taxman 604 (Ker.)(HC)

S. 3 : Prohibition of benami transactions-Change of law-Benami Property-Review petition-Applicability of section 3 and 5 of unamended 1988 Act-Unconstitutional from their inception-2016 Act containing criminal provisions can only be applied prospectively and not retroactively. [[S. 2, 3, 4, 5, 24, 27(3), 27(5), 53, 54, 54A, 67 Art. 14, 20(1)]

UOI v. Ganpati Dealcom (P.) Ltd. (2024) 301 Taxman 313 (SC) Editorial: UOI v. Ganpati Dealcom (P.) Ltd. (2022) 141 389/ 289 Taxman 177/ 447 ITR 108 (SC)

S. 271D : Penalty-Takes or accepts any loan or deposit-Cash credits-Reasonable cause-High Court affirmed the order of the Tribunal. Revenue filed SLP which was delayed by 660 days-SLP of revenue is dismissed on account of delay as well as on merits.[S. 68, 271E, 273B, Art. 136]

PCIT v. Shree Madhi Surali Vibhag Nagarik Sahakari Dhiran Mandali Ltd. (2024) 301 Taxman 556 (SC) Editorial : PCIT v. Shree Madhi Surali Vibhag Nagarik Sahakari Dhiran Mandali Ltd. (2024) 167 470 (Guj)(HC)

S. 260A : Appeal-High Court –Long term capital gains-Penny stock-Bogus claim-High Court cannot examine factual issues not raised before lower authorities-SLP of assessee is dismissed [S. 68, Art.136]

Manoj Jain (HUF) v. ITO (2024) 301 Taxman 398 (SC) Editorial: Manoj Jain (HUF) v. ITO [2024] 164 133/299 Taxman 456 (Cal) (HC)