Answers By Expert: Advocate Rahul Hakani
  Whether transfer of amount to sisters , which the assessee inherited from father is liable to tax .?
I just want to know, if am settling my sisters with an X amount for the property that I inherit from my father. Will that X amount is taxable or not?

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  when family arrangement document is registered , whether sucession certificate is required ?
Sir, If we sign MOU – Family settlement by all the legal heirs and get the document registered, still we have to go for Succession Certificate from court or the MOU itself is acceptable for transferring the rights of properties. Kindly respond.

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  Whether family arrangement can change mode of distribution of property specified in the Will?
Wanted to know a important aspect.. If a WILL says that property is to be divided 50% can family settlement change the same. 2ndly if any family members after the family settlement has been done sell the property.. Will the person buying be entitled for 50% share or he will be entitled as per portion given by FS in which the portion is more than 50%

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  Wether Transfer of immoveable property by family arrangement does it attract stamp duty?
Sir, Under a family settlement if 1 faction of the family beneficiaries relinquishes their rights in property of the Family trust in the favour of the other beneficiaries, at the time of registration of this transfer, will this attract stamp duty if yes then what will be the percentage. The Trust and the Properties are situate in Mumbai. Thank you in anticipation of an early reply.

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