Answers On Topic: 26AS
  mismatch between 26AS and pre-fill data in ITR 2
i use the pre-filled data to file my itax return. i download 26AS data from traces and find that there are many entries missing . e.g. the tds and income from income tax refund (of previous year) is shown in 26AS but is missing from the pre-filled data similarly there is a difference in credit amount and TDS shown in 26AS and pre-fill data for some bank interests thus the tax paid amount calculated by  pre-fill data is less compared to actual deducted and reported by 26AS how to fix this    

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  Addition on account of difference in receipts as per P & L Account vis-a-vis Form 26AS
Decisions for "the addition on account of short credit of receipts as per Form 26AS made by the AO for the purpose of computing the tax liability does not fall any of the items mentioned in clauses (a) to (j) of the Explanation. It is submitted that since no adjustment on account of short credit of receipts as per Form 26AS is to be made while computing the book profit u/s 115JB of the Act"

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  Addition due to diffrence in receipts as per 26AS and disclosed in Profit and loss account Stay of demand
Assessee is company has filed the Return of Income for every year. Since assessee is engaged in the business of executing contracts , due to TDS there is always refund to the company. Almost every year assessment is completed U/Sec 143(3) by making an addition on the ground of difference in receipts as per 26AS and receipts as per profit and loss account since assessee could not give reconciliation.  Assessee submits that since it is company,  books of accounts are audited under co act as well as income tax Act and diffrence in mainly due to offering of income on…

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