Answers On Topic: cash credits
  Huge amount un secured loans sec 68,69 provision applicable
Sir, One of the it person new residential house construction estimate Value  rs:1.50 crores Funds from bank loans rs:1 crores. Different persons each one @19,000/- total amount rs:50 lacs received for construction purpose Question: Assessess un secured loans huge rs:50 lacs  amount received from different persons sec 68,69 provision applicable for it act.  

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  Applicability of Sec 68 of I.T. Act, 1961
Appellant has given loan of Rs. 30,00,000/- in F.Y. 2008-09 to ABC through banking channels. Just before the debit of Rs. 30,00,000/- there is a credit in the bank A/c on account of repayment of loan received by the Appellant from his debtor which was given two years back through banking channels. Interest on the said amount and TDS thereon is reflected in Form 26AS and shown in ITR. On the basis of search in the case of ABC it was concluded by the Investigation wing that the loan of Rs. 30,00,000/- is accomodation entry. Notice u/s 148 was issued…

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  SEc. 68 and Cash deposit during demonetization by NBFC
Assessee is NBFC registered under Co Act as well as RBI. During the period of demonetization assessee co accepts cash in old currency amounting to Rs 1410000/- from the borrowers up to 14.11.2016 and from 15.11.2016 till 31.12.2016 amounting to Rs. 2010000/-. Ao has made addition U/sec. 68 on the ground that NBFC are not permitted to accept currency in Old Notes from any one and therefore the amount is unexplained cash credit to be added U/sec. 68, eventhough assessee co has given complete details of the persons from whom amount is received towards repayment of loan taken from NBFC. …

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whether AO  made addition as business receipt in A Y 2017-18  on the ground that unsecured loan accepted during the year by account payee cheque is not reflected in the bank account of the assessee and disclosed in the Balance sheet and cit a has confirm the same as unsecured loan u/sec 68  on the ground that assessee though has submitted confirmation , PAN  , bank statement , however the depositer has not filed the ROI , assessee has not explained the source of money of depositer . whether it is permissible under income tax act 1961 ? Whether addition…

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  MAT Credit and Addition u/s 68
Assessing Officer has made addition u/s 68 to the tune of Rs. 20 Lakhs under the head Income from Other sources to be taxed u/s 115BBE @60%. Assessee has PGBP Income to the tune of Rs. 2,30,989/-. Assessee has MAT Credit Available to the tune of Rs. 10,13,277/- and Total prepaid taxes paid to the tune of Rs. 11,76,212/-. Now while making the computation Sheet of Assessment Order, AO give the credit of Rs. 68997/- only and did not give the credit of Excess MAT Credit available to the tune of Rs. 944280/-. Rectification has been filed and no order…

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In the assessment completed U/SEc. 144 where the AO has rejected the books of accounts and disallowed the entire loss claimed by the assessee co on the ground that assessee has not produced the books and other evidences . Further AO has also made an addition U/SEc. 68 for not giving any details about the loans and also not allowed the carried forward business loss as well as depreciation loss. Whether Ao can make addition U/SEc. 68, when he himself disallowed the entire loss on the ground of non production of books of accounts and non furnishing of any information…

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  sales vs 68
1]  whether advance against sales can be treated as cash credit u/s 68 ? 2]  whether sales amt itself can be treated as cash credit u/s 68 ? 3]whether sundry creditor can be treated as as cash credit u/s 68 ? 4] whether deposits fro dealers can be treated as as cash credit u/s 68 ? case law ?    

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  circular trading
what can AO add in such a case where circular trading  is detected by search wing ? percentage of notional profit ? or disallow only loss ?

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  Sec.68 and Cash deposits in demonetisation period
Assessee is NBFC registered under Co Act as well as RBI. During the period of demonetization assessee co accepts cash in old currency amounting to Rs 1410000/- from the borrowers up to 14.11.2016 and from 15.11.2016 till 31.12.2016 amounting to Rs. 2010000/-. Ao has made addition U/sec. 68 on the ground that NBFC are not permitted to accept currency in Old Notes from any one and therefore the amount is unexplained cash credit to be added U/sec. 68, eventhough assessee co has given complete details of the persons from whom amount is received towards repayment of loan taken from NBFC. …

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  Cash Deposit in Saving Bank A/c. Addition u/s 68 of IT Act
Assessee was Purchasing kirana items in cash from local market to avail benefit of cash discount. He was supplying the same to retail kirana shopkeepers in remote places & was receiving payment in his SB A/c deposited in cash at respective places of purchasers. No books of A/c maintained. No purchase & sale bills are available. Saving bank statement clearly revels that - (i) Simultaneous deposits & withdrawals in bank A/c (ii)No capital expense. (iii) Increase in bank balance about Rs8000 (iv) Peak credit about Rs.500000. During FY 10-11 on the basis of AIR information that assessee has deposited more…

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