Answers On Topic: demonetization by NBFC
  SEc. 68 and Cash deposit during demonetization by NBFC
Assessee is NBFC registered under Co Act as well as RBI. During the period of demonetization assessee co accepts cash in old currency amounting to Rs 1410000/- from the borrowers up to 14.11.2016 and from 15.11.2016 till 31.12.2016 amounting to Rs. 2010000/-. Ao has made addition U/sec. 68 on the ground that NBFC are not permitted to accept currency in Old Notes from any one and therefore the amount is unexplained cash credit to be added U/sec. 68, eventhough assessee co has given complete details of the persons from whom amount is received towards repayment of loan taken from NBFC. …

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