Answers On Topic: Disallowance
  A Rural agricultural land has been sold in AY 2016-17 for 60 lakhs
Sir, A Rural agricultural land has been sold in AY 2016-17 for 60lakhs for which consideration received in cash and the same is deposited into seller bank ac. Now received a notice from IT regarding the above cash deposit. in reply to IT : If i mention, the cash deposit of  60L pertains to  receipt of cash for sale consideration, do it attract any negative impact or any disallowance or u/s 269s/st ? I request you to please give me any suggestion. thanks, Shravan

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  Bogus Purchases U/Sec. 37 of the Act.
Assessee is trader of the steel and also registered under the GSt. Books of accounts are audited U/SEc. 44AB of the Act. In the assessment proceedings for A.Y. 2021-22, A.O. has asked the details of the purchases and on the basis of those details he has sent the Notices U/SEc. 133(6) to various parties. Two parties have not responded to the Notice U/SEc. 133(6) of the Act.  AO has issued the SCN to assessee as to why the purchases of these parties should not be disallowed U/SEc. 37 of the Act since they have not responded to Notice U/SEc 133(6)…

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  Whether employees contribution towards PF and ESIC paid after due date and before filing of return is allowable as deduction.?
Whether employees contribution towards pf and esi paid after due date as precribed under the prescribed under the law is disallowable u/s 36 of the IT Act, 1961 though paid within due date of filing return as per S43B of the It Act 1961

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