Answers On Topic: Firm
  Sec. 45(4) and 9 B of the Income Tax Act.
Assessee is partnership firm having 3 partners. One of them has expressed his desired to retire from the firm due to diffrence of opinion about way of conducting the business. The retiring Partner is having debit balance of Rs. 6530000.00  to his account as on the date of retirement i.e. 31.08.2023. All of them agreed that the retiring partner will retire from the firm with immediate effect and he need not to pay any thing to the firm . Issues : how his debit balance is to be written of in the Books of accounts what are tax implication of…

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  Domestic Transfer Pricing
Queries Regarding Domestic Transfer Pricing Case A 1. A partnership firm(having ‘A’ as Karta of his HUF and ‘B’ his wife as partners) is doing the business of Purchase and Sales of Grains in wholesale and semi-wholesale. 2. Total Turnover during F.Y. 2022-23 is more than Rs.20crore. 3. The assessee firm has also sold goods during the above F.Y. to a concern( in which proprietor is son of Mr. ‘A’) 4. The sales made to above concern during above F.Y. is more than Rs.20crore. 5. Whether provisions of Domestic Transfer Pricing Audit are applicable on the above partnership firm? Case…

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Can LLP /firm etc hold agricultural land ? How?  

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  AOP and FIRM
Firm take PAN under AOP status wrongly can file ITR under ITR 5 as Partnership firm and can claim the same benefit as partnership firm i.e tax rate of 30%

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  applicability of section 9b or 45(4)
on reconstruction of a partner ship firm weather section 45(4) or section 9B is applicable when capital asset is transferred to a retiring partner

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  GST , firm , partner , stock in trade , capital asset
What are the implications under GST if a partner of a firm receives stock in trade/raw material/ finished goods/ work in progress from the firm?   Similarly, what are the implications under GST if a partner of a firm receives Capital Assets from the Firm?

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A firm has 3 partners  A,B and C.  Partner  B is retiring and his credit balance of capital/current account is taken over by partner A. Partner A is issuing "memorandum of debt" to retiring partner C. The debt instrument is proposed to be registered with registration department of immovable properties paying requisite stamp duty for registration of debt instrument. The firm has immovable property and machineries and is a manufacturing concern.What are the tax implication for the firm, partner A and retiring partner C ?.      

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  45[3] etc
7 to 8 partners introduced personally held land into a firm as own capital contribution Firm constructed warehouse for renting out. Firm reconstituted from time to time by retirement of old & admissions of new partners  . No revaluation on such reconstitutions . All brought and paid only capital balance presently few new and few original partners remained in firm now if  firm registers land in own name what will be tax implications in hands of frim and new /old partners ?

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  Deduction U/SEc.37- Ins premium of relative who is employee
Assessee is Partnership Firm having 3 partners . Son and daughter of the one partner are working as employee for last more than 5 years . All the partners have decided to take the Term Policy( which is not key man Ins Policy)  in the name of these employees to safe guard the interest of firm, therefore decided to claim the same as deduction U/SEc. 37 of the Act. The nominee of the policy will be Firm. Whether this is allowable deduction in the hands of firm U/Sec. 37 of the Act ? Whether the premium paid will be considered…

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  Sec. 45(4) and 9B of the Income Tax 1961
Assessee is partnership firm having 5 partners ,engaged in the business of construction. The firm has undertaken the construction of housing project. In the partnership deed, it is agreed by and between the partners that all partners will contribute the capital equally and their profit sharing is equal.  It  is also agreed  that in case capital contribution is not made equally, then the profit sharing which is decided as equal, will be change as per the capital contribution by executing the  fresh partnership deed. Accordingly partners have decided to execute the partnership deed and change the profit sharing ratio as…

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