Answers On Topic: partnership firm
  tax implications on a retiring partner and partnership firm which has immovable property without having done revaluation or fair market valuation
what are the tax implications on a retiring partner and the partnership firm when a partner retires from a firm having fixed assets (without revaluation of the fixed assets i.e. land or immovable property or without fair market value of the fixed assets)?

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  tax implications on retirement of a partner with debit capital balance
if a retiring partner retires with the debit capital in his name, the firm can claim capital loss. at the same time , whether the retiring partner will have to pay long-term capital gains tax/ short-term capital gains tax? if so, how can it be saved?

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  Whether excess amount more than his capital outstanding paid to retring partner can be claim as deduction
Assessee is partnership firm having 4 partners having equal share and  engaged in the construction of project . The assessee firm has only one land which is disclosed as stock in trade the value of the same in the books is 2 cr and today's FMV is 20 cr. In the said firm three more partners are added who were ready to contribute the capital as well as use there infrastructure for executing the project on the said land. After 2 months original four partners express there desire from the partnership and it is agreed that they will be paid…

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A partnership firm (firm) was incorporated on 20-02-2014 with four partners each contributed Rs.3375000/- and having 25% share in profit / losses. The nature of business of firm is to develop real estate and deal in sites. The firm purchased a plot of land for Rs.13200000/- on 12-05-2014. No business had commenced however some development on plot was done till 2024. There was no further sale or purchase of land. Between 2014 & 2022 two partners  retired and one new partner was inducted in the firm. The retiring partners were paid only their capital contribution of Rs.3375000/-. This amount was…

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  Partnership firm, stock in trade , retiring partners ?
The assessee is a partnership firm constituted by four partners having mainly stock in trade. The firm is reconstituted two partners of the firm have retired. The retiring partners are given stock in trade as their share the questions are as under: (i)    The stock in trade given to the outgoing partner will be subject to capital gain or business profit, and it will be taxable in whose hands that is the hands of firm or the outgoing partner? (ii)   The second question is , will it be capital gains or business profit, and income tax that has been paid,…

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  disolution of partnership firm
Blue Sea Investments LLP has 3 equal partners. It has made investment in property of INR 2 Cr and in a start ups of INR 3 Cr. One of the partners wishes to retire from the LLP from 1 Jan 2024 due to his old age and need funds for his day to day living / medical expenses. On 1 Jan 2024 the market value of property and value of investment in startups is INR 5 Cr and INR 9 Cr respectively. What would be the tax impact on the LLP as well as retiring partner on amount paid to…

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  Sec. 45(4) and 9 B of the Income Tax Act.
Assessee is partnership firm having 3 partners. One of them has expressed his desired to retire from the firm due to diffrence of opinion about way of conducting the business. The retiring Partner is having debit balance of Rs. 6530000.00  to his account as on the date of retirement i.e. 31.08.2023. All of them agreed that the retiring partner will retire from the firm with immediate effect and he need not to pay any thing to the firm . Issues : how his debit balance is to be written of in the Books of accounts what are tax implication of…

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  Partnership Firm
Assessee is partnership firm having two partners. The firm has purchase two immovable properties and they are in the name of the firm. The partners have decided to develop the one of the property and since they were short of funds and necessary infrastructure, they have decided to admit two new partners who will bring the necessary capital as well as ready to work as working partner for development of property No. 1. The profit sharing ratio is also decided to be equal as the incoming partner are bringing the necessary capital as per their profit sharing ratio. They have…

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  Capital Gain-Sec 56(2)(x)-GAAR
There is a Partnership Firm having three partners.The Net  worth of the Firm is Rs. 100 Crores (considering Market value of Goodwill and Immovable Properties-whereas Net worth as per Books of Accounts is Rs. 50 Crores) as on 31-03-2022. A new Partner is admitted in the Firm  on 1-4-2022 and he is given 25% Share of Profit in the Firm whereas existing partners Share is reduced. New Partner contributes Rs 25 Lacs in Firm as his Capital Contribution.Existing Partners are not given any Stock nor any Immovable Property nor any money over and above the balances appearing in their capital…

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There is a partnership firm having partners F (father), S1 (Elder son) and S2 (Younger son) carrying a hotel business. Each partner is having an equal ratio in firm (i.e. 1/3 each). On 01/04/2021 Partner S1 retired from the firm and his balance in capital A/c is transferred to Unsecured Loan A/c. Neither the  excess payment of cash is made nor any immovable property is transferred to retiring partner. Remaining partners (i.e. F and S2) are now sharing an equal ratio in the reconstituted Partnership Firm. Query: Whether the section 9B and 45(4) are applicable in the given case?

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