I own a plot of land on which I'm constructing my house. The land was bought in 2011. The construction has started in FY 25. Can I claim the deduction of Section 54F for construction of my house? If yes, how do I account for expenses that I have incurred in the current FY for construction purposes? I also own 2 studio apartments one of which is not registered. the case is in NCLT. Both of them are on rent.
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My father sold a land property on his name and purchased a flat on his name with entire sale consideration. Now, Section 54F says he should not sell it within three year But can he gift the flat through gift deed in my name or should we wait for three years for gift transaction also? References of relevant cases will help a lot. Thanks.
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Sir, Assessee an individual sold shares and earned long term capital gains (AY 2024-25). Invested in two adjoining flats by two seperate agreements, making two flats as one. Whether can claim exemption u/s 54F - refer word ONE residential house in Sec 54F. Please provide supportive case laws
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One assessee has purchase new residential property for section 54F benefit. Whether GST and Stamp Duty Paid on New Flat is allowed as deduction ?
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After amendment to the above sections, is it still permissible to buy 2 adjoining flats with a common entrance/kitchen etc because each flat is too small for a person ? any case law after amendment ?
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Assessee is an individual and partner in partnership firm engaged in the business of advertising. In the A.Y. 2008-09. Assessee received a amount of Rs. 1 cr against his right in the property, which is liable for longterm capital gain. Assessee invested the amount of Rs. 1.25 cr for purchase of residential bungalow alongwith the land appertatnent their to by executing the Development Agreement and power of attorney by paying full stamp duty and also taken the possession of the said property. The assessee has not carried out any Development on said property and after holding for period of 42…
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Assessee is an individual and partner in partnership firm engaged in the business of advertising. In the A.Y. 2008-09. Assessee received a amount of Rs. 1 cr against his right in the property, which is liable for longterm capital gain. Assessee invested the amount of Rs. 1.25 cr for purchase of residential bungalow alongwith the land appertatnent their to by executing the Development Agreement and power of attorney by paying full stamp duty and also taken the possession of the said property. The assessee has not carried out any Development on said property and after holding for period of 42…
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Notice U/s 148 was issued on 03/03/2020 served upon the assessee. In this case, the assessee has sold an immovable property (residential land) of Rs. 70,00,000/- dated 15/05/2014 on which capital gain arose of Rs.51,46,000/-. The assessee has deposited the entire amount of sale proceeds of Rs. 70,00,000/- in the Capital Gain Account Scheme, 1988 and claimed deduction u/s 54F of the Act. The Assessee has purchased a semi-finished new residential house (which was not complete in all respect to be treated as ready to move property) on 30/03/2017 for Rs. 94,00,000/- by way of utilizing the amount of Rs.…
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For the purpose of deduction u/s 54F of Income Tax Act whether the words ‘full value of consideration’ contained in section 50C will be applicable or the actual sale consideration value as specified in the sale deed will be applicable.
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Assessee is an individual and has made claim U/Sec. 54F in respect of investment in the bungalow along with the land. while executing the agreement , the assessee has executed Registered Development Agreement , where in the description of property it is clearly mentioned that it is land with the constructed bungalow. However the AO has rejected the claim on the ground that the investment made by the assessee in the property is not for purchase of house property by the assessee but assessee had taken it for the purpose of Development of the property. Assessee is not engaged in…
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