Sahara India Life Insurance Co. Ltd. v. ACIT (2023)457 ITR 548/150 23(Delhi)(HC)

S. 44 : Insurance business-Computation of profits-The rules contained in the First Schedule appended to the Act will determine the manner in which the profits and gains of insurance business are to be ascertained. [S.14, 28, 43B, 199]

Allowing the appeal of the assessee, the court held that section 44 of the Act provides for a statutory mechanism for computing profits and gains of an insurance business and includes, in this context, business carried on by a mutual insurance company or even by a co-operative society. In that sense it moves away from the usual and general method of computing income chargeable to tax by bearing in mind the heads of income of income referred to in section 14 of the Act. This is plainly evident, since there is a specific reference to section 199, (which broadly deals with granting credit to the person from whose income tax has been deducted at source) and the sections spanning between sections 28 and 43B. The rules contained in the First Schedule appended to the Act will determine the manner in which the profits and gains of insurance business are to be ascertained. Followed, PCIT v. Sahara Life Insurance Co.Ltd  (2021) 432 ITR 84 (Delhi)(HC)  (AY.2014-15)