TVS Charities v .ITO (E) (2019) 104 CCH 0738/ (2020) 422 ITR 548 / 192 DTR 67/ 315 CTR 914 (Mad)(HC)

S.226: Collection and recovery – Stay- Pendency of appeal -High pitched assessment -Notional rent -Prima facie case for grant of stay [ S.12A , Art , 226 ]

On writ the Court held that  a prima facie case had been made out by the assessee since the associate companies were its tenants from the date when the assessee obtained exemption from payment of Income-tax under section 12A(a) of the Act from the year 1973 onwards. The Department had raised the issue only for the assessment year 2016-17 even though income tax returns were filed by the assessee disclosing the tenancy, right from the date when it was granted exemption from payment of Income-tax under section 12A(a) . The Assessing Officer ought to have considered all these aspects and should have granted stay of the order. The order was not valid.( AY.2016-17)