Category: Articles

CA Sunil Maloo has pointed out that while the CIT(A)’s powers are wide and co-terminus with that of the AO, there are also restrictions on the exercise of those powers. He has explained the law on the subject with reference to important judgements

CA Prarthana Jalan has taken umbrage at the fact that the income-tax department is, in defiance of the law, resorting to “tax terrorism” of innocent taxpayers over frivolous issues with a view to increase collection and meet their own targets. She has pleaded that the department should focus its energies on the big tax evaders and do “surgical strike” upon them rather than harassing innocent taxpayers

Hon’ble Mr. Justice Akil Kureshi, the presiding judge of the Tax Bench in the Bombay High Court, has delivered a lecture on the subject of “What does a judge expect from Junior Advocates” in which he has offered several valuable insights

Advocate Ashwani Taneja has explained the relevance of the Benami Act and how far the menace of additions under sections 68 and 69 to 69D of the Income-tax Act, 1961 can continue to haunt under the regime of new Benami Law. The learned author has also explained the law in the embedded video

Advocate Sunil Moti Lala (assisted by CA Bhavya Sundesha) has prepared a Digest of 2000 important judgments on Transfer Pricing (605 cases), International Tax (130 cases) and Domestic Tax (1265 cases) pronounced in the period January 2018 to June 2018. …

Digest Of 2000 Important Judgments On Transfer Pricing, International Tax And Domestic Tax (Jan To June 2018) Read More »

Advocate Dinkar Parasharam Bhave has explained the entire law relating to ‘Ancestral Property’ in Hindu Law. He has made extensive reference to all the statutory provisions and the important judgements on the point. He has argued that the impact of the law is such that the concept of “joint family property” may soon be relegated to the history of Hindu Personal Law

Advocate Harsh M. Kapadia has dealt with the important question whether after the judgement of the Constitutional Bench in Dilip Kumar (2018) 9 SCC 1, the law laid down in Vegetable Products 88 ITR 192 (SC) that where there is ambiguity in a taxing provision, the benefit of the doubt should go to the taxpayer is overruled. The author has made out a convincing case that beneficial exemption provisions are not affected by the judgement and that they continue to deserve a liberal interpretation so as to advance the object of the legislature

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CA Dev Kumar Kothari has alleged that the Department is behaving in a high-handed manner by issuing statutory notices at a late stage and threatening taxpayers with penalty for non-compliance. He argues that this is not only creating harassment for the taxpayers and professionals but also reflects inefficiencies in the working of the department. He has offered suggestions on how the department can streamline its affairs and achieve its objectives in an efficient manner

In Maxopp Investment Ltd v/s CIT 402 ITR 640 (SC), the Supreme Court has laid down important law on the interpretation of section 14A and Rule 8D. Advocate Vipul Joshi has conducted a detailed study of the judgement in juxtaposition with the earlier judgements of the apex court in Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd v/s DCIT 394 ITR 449 (SC)] and CIT v/s. Essar Teleholdings Ltd 401 ITR 445 (SC) and explained its precise implications

Advocate Narayan Jain has explained the entire law and procedure relating to admissions and retractions in income-tax proceedings. He has explained the extent to which the admissions are binding on the taxpayers. He has also explained the procedure by which taxpayers can retract from their admissions. All the important case laws on the subject have been referred to with a succinct commentary on their applicability