Constitution of India , 1949 . Art.141 :Covid -19 – Extension of limitation period due to Covid-19 Lock down- Service of all notices, summons and exchange of pleadings may be effected by e-mail, FAX, WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal etc in addition to service of the same document by e-mail simultaneously on the same date- The Reserve Bank of India may consider whether the validity period of a cheque under the Negotiable Instruments Act should be extended or not [ Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 S.23(4),29A, Banking Regulation Act,1949, S.35A, Commercial Courts Act, 2015 ,S.12A Constitution of India, 1949 , Art 141 , Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881,S.46 Limitation Act 1908 , S.5 ]