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DATE: | (Date of pronouncement) |
DATE: | May 16, 2011 (Date of publication) |
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FILE: | Click here to view full post with file download link |
U/s 2(22)(e), any payment by a closely-held company by way of advance or loan to a concern in which a substantial shareholder is a member holding a substantial interest is deemed to be “dividend” on the presumption that the loans or advances would ultimately be made available to the shareholders of the company giving the loan or advance.
The legal fiction in s. 2(22)(e) enlarges the definition of dividend but does not extend to, or broaden the concept of, a “shareholder”.As the assessee was not a shareholder of the paying company, the “dividend” was not assessable in its hands (Bhaumik 313 ITR 146 (Mum) (SB), approved in Universal Medicare 324 ITR 363 (Bom) & Hotel Hilltop 313 ITR 116 (Raj) followed)
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