COURT: | |
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DATE: | (Date of pronouncement) |
DATE: | February 15, 2011 (Date of publication) |
AY: | |
FILE: | Click here to view full post with file download link |
To decide whether the institution exists solely for education and not to earn profit the test of predominant object of the activity has to be seen to decide. The purpose does not lose its character merely because some profit arises from the activity. It is not possible to carry on educational activity in such a way that the expenditure exactly balances the income and there is no resultant profit, for, to achieve this, would not only be difficult of practical realization but would reflect unsound principles of management. In order to ascertain whether the institute is carried on with the object of making profit or not it is duty of the prescribed authority to ascertain whether the balance of income is applied wholly and exclusively to the objects for which the applicant is established (Aditanars Educational Institution 224 ITR 310 (SC) & American Hotel and Lodging Association 301 ITR 86 (SC) followed)
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