B. L. International vs. ACIT (ITAT Delhi)

DATE: March 3, 2016 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: March 31, 2016 (Date of publication)
AY: 2009-10
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S. 271(1)(c): No penalty leviable on bonafide human error committed while filing return of income

When the assessee was confronted with the depreciation being claimed on the property, the income from which had been returned under the head income from house property, it immediately realized its mistake of computation of total income and agreed for the addition to its total income. The mistake was inadvertent, is evident from the fact that assessee had furnished return of income of Rs. 3,27,79,273/- and, therefore, there was no reason to make a false claim of a petty sum of Rs. 7,87,734/-. The property was appearing in the fixed assets schedule along with other properties, therefore, for all practical purposes, it was treated as a business asset and the depreciation was, accordingly, claimed in the books of account. This aspect is not disputed. It was only at the time of computation of income that the assessee should have made the addition to the profits as per P&L A/c because the income from this property was returned under the head income from house property. Under such circumstances it cannot be disputed that human error could have crept into while making the computation. Thus, it is evident that assessee did not misrepresent the facts at any stage of proceeding.

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