Kodiak Networks (India) Pvt Ltd vs. ACIT (ITAT Bangalore)

DATE: (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: January 31, 2012 (Date of publication)

Click here to download the judgement (kodiak_TPO_powers_information.pdf)

TPO can rely on “contemporaneous” data even if not available at specified date

In a transfer pricing appeal, the Tribunal had to consider two issues: (a) what is the data to be considered by the TPO at the time of determining ALP? & (b) whether the assessee should be given an opportunity to refute the material sought to be utilized by the TPO? HELD by the Tribunal:

(i) Under Rule 10D (4) the information and documents should as far as possible be contemporaneous and should exists latest by the ‘specified date’ specified in s. 92F (4) i.e. the due date for filing the ROI. There is no cut-off date upto which only the information available in public domain can be taken into consideration by the TPO while making the transfer pricing adjustments and arriving at the ALP. The assessee’s argument that s.92D and Rule 10D is defeated if the TPO takes the data which is available in the public domain after the specified date is not acceptable.

(ii) While the TPO is empowered by s. 131(1) & 133(6) to call for information without informing the assessee about the process, he cannot use such information against the assessee without giving the assessee a reasonable opportunity of hearing. If the assessee seeks an opportunity to cross-examine third parties, it has to be given the opportunity (Genisys Integrating Systems followed)

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