Category: Articles

CAs Dr. Raj K. Agarwal and Somil Agarwal have studied the provisions of The Banning of Unregulated Deposit Scheme Act 2019 and pointed out that there is widespread confusion as to whether the taking of all deposits and loans is banned. The authors have dealt with the issue and provided a clear-cut explanation with reference to the statutory provisions

Advocates Neelam Jadhav & Sashank Dundu of KSA Legal Chambers have prepared a wiki guide on the law under section 14A and Rule 8D relating to disallowance of expenditure incurred for earning tax-free income. The authors have identified in a systematic manner the various controversies which have arisen and also provided ciatations of all important judgements. The authors have assured that the Wiki Guide will be updated on a regular basis so that taxpayers and professionals have access to the updated law at all times. A pdf version of the Guide is also available for download

The research team of AIFTP Journal Committee and KSA Legal Chambers have prepared a comprehensive digest of all important judgements delivered in the period from January to December 2018. The judgements are sorted section-wise and topic-wise and are accompanied with a crisp summary which provides the precise ratio of each judgement. The Digest will prove invaluable to busy tax professionals and taxpayers

Sr. Advocate Firoze Andhyarujina has conducted a comprehensive analysis of the various provisions in the Income-tax Act relating to eradication of Black Money. He has focused on the menance of bogus share capital/ premium and bogus capital gains through penny stocks. He has also explained the impact of GAAR on these transactions. All the important judgements on the subject have been referenced

CA Shweta Ajmera has explained the concept of “blockchain” in a manner in which lay persons can understand it. She has pointed out that “blockchain” is already being widely used in several countries. She opines that the concept could prove to be a compliance revolution for transactional taxes such as transfer pricing, VAT, withholding tax, stamp duties, insurance premium taxes etc and it is only a question of time before India adopts it

CA Ashish Chadha has pointed out that the increased use of cloud-based services has led to cross-border tax implications for the suppliers and the customers. He has analyzed various types of cloud services such as ‘accounting serves’, ‘database’, ‘storage’, ‘support services’ and examined whether the income therefrom can be assessed as “royalty’, ‘fees for technical services’ or ‘business profits’ under the DTAAs and international tax law

CA Sunil Maloo has analysed the Interplay between the Income Tax Act, 1961 and The Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015. He has explained the recent controversy, summary of the legal provisions and also offered valuable advice based on his practical experience of working on Direct tax litigation and Settlement Commission cases

Dr. Sunil Moti Lala, Advocate, has conducted a detailed study of the provisions of the Income-tax Act relating to ‘Base Erosion and Profit Shifting’ (‘BEPS’), General Anti Avoidance Rule (‘GAAR’) and other critical issues affecting the global arena. Based on this study, he has offered 25 suggestions which can be incorporated in the impending Finance Bill

Dr. Sunil Moti Lala, Advocate, has prepared a Digest of 4000 Important judgments on Transfer pricing (1150 cases), International Tax (200 cases) and Domestic Tax (2650 cases) pronounced in the period January 2018 to December 2018. The author has meticulously and systematically classified the judgments into various categories to enable ease of reference. A PDF copy of the Digest is available for download. He has also given the appeal numbers in all cases so as to enable the judgements to be retrieved from the website of the respective Court or Tribunal. The digest will prove invaluable to all practitioners of taxation law

In Mangathai Ammal vs. Rajeswari, the Supreme Court has explained the law on statutory presumption and burden of proof in the context of the 1988 Act as well as the 2016 amendment. It has also considered whether the said amendment can be treated as retrospective and applicable to earlier transactions. Advocates Ashwani Taneja & Renu Taneja have highlighted the salient points of the judgement and explained its practical relevance