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DATE: October 28, 2015 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: November 20, 2015 (Date of publication)
AY: 2001-02
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S. 147/ 148: Issue of furnishing the ‘Reasons’ for reopening the assessment goes to the root of the matter. In the event of failure of the AO to furnish the reasons, the reopening is bad in law

The undisputed facts are that, one – no ‘Reasons’ are available in the assessment record, and two there is nothing on record to show that certified copy of verbatim ‘Reasons’ was ever provided to the assessee, despite the request made by the assessee before AO, more than once. It clearly indicates that no ‘Reasons’ were recorded infact and therefore, these could not have been provided to the assessee. Had the ‘Reasons’ been recorded by AO, these would have definitely been provided to the assessee. The position of law is clear. It has been held by Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of GKN Driveshaft 259 ITR 19, that it is mandatory on the part of the AO to provide the copy of the reasons to the assessee and to meet the objections filed by the assessee thereto, if any, before the AO can frame the reassessment order. It is further noted that Hon’ble Bombay High Court in the case of CIT v. Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (2012) 340 ITR 66 (Bom.), has held that in case reasons are not furnished by the AO to the assessee, before completion of reassessment proceedings, reassessment order cannot be upheld

DATE: October 7, 2015 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: November 18, 2015 (Date of publication)
AY: 2005-06
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S. 115JB: Even a non-taxable capital receipt credited to the P&L A/c cannot be excluded while computing the book profits. The fact that the notes to the A/cs state that the receipt is on capital account is irrelevant. Shivalik Venture distinguished

The decisions relied upon by the assessee are applicable on the facts and circumstances where if an item of income or expenditure which is required to be disclosed in the P&L A/c prepared as per provisions of Schedule VI of the Companies Act but instead of disclosing the said item in the P&L A/c, it was disclosed in the Notes to the accounts, then such item of income or expenditure will be treated as part of the P&L A/c for the purpose of computing book profits u/s 115JB. Once P&L A/c is admittedly prepared as per Schedule VI of the Companies Act, then neither the AO has any power to tinker with it nor the assessee is permitted to claim exclusion or inclusion of any item of income or expenditure as the case may be, for the purpose of computing book profits u/s 115JB except the permissible adjustment provided under the Explanation to sec. 115JB of the Act itself

DATE: November 4, 2015 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: November 17, 2015 (Date of publication)
AY: 2005-06
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Transfer Pricing: (i) If the AO & CIT make a mechanical reference to the TPO without applying mind to the TP report & other data filed by the assessee, the reference is invalid, (ii) A transfer pricing adjustment cannot be made if the assessee's income is exempt u/s 10A or 80HHE or (iii) if the AE is assessed at a rate of tax higher that tax rate in India

(c) The AO erred in not himself examining the issue of Transfer Pricing and with the approval of the CIT, made a reference to the TPO u/s 92CA(1) of the Act; that the AO as well as the CIT failed to apply their mind to the TP Report filed by the assessee, or to any other material or information or document furnished. The TPO made an adjustment which was incorporated by the AO in the assessment order. Thereby, the AO as well as the CIT did not discharge necessary respective judicial functions conferred on them under sections 92C and 92CA of the Act;

(d) Further, the assessee is also correct in contending that no TP adjustment can be made in a case like the present one, where the assessee enjoys u/s 10A or 80HHE of the Act, or where the tax rate in the country of the Associated Enterprises is higher than the rate of tax in India and where the establishment of tax avoidance or manipulation of prices or establishment of shifting of profits is not possible.

SECTION(S): , , ,
DATE: October 7, 2015 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: November 17, 2015 (Date of publication)
AY: 2009-10
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S. 50C should not be invoked if difference between stamp value and declared consideration is nominal, S. 14A/ Rule 8D does not apply to share application money, Pure foreign exchange hedging transactions cannot be treated as speculative transactions

Though section 50C of the Act does not speak of any such variation in terms of percentage between value adopted for the purpose of stamp duty and the registration and the actual consideration received on transfer, keeping in view of the decision of the Hon’ble ITAT, Hyderabad Bench and keeping in view of the fact that the difference between the valuation for the stamp duty and the actual consideration received by the assessee is less than 2% we are of the view that addition sustained by CIT(A) should be deleted

DATE: October 28, 2015 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: November 5, 2015 (Date of publication)
AY: 2009-10
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S. 80-IA: Interest on TDS refund, interest from lessees, interest on FDRs and Tender fees are all “derived” from the undertaking and are eligible for deduction. If items of income are not eligible, it should be netted off against expenditure and only balance can be disallowed

The TDS deduction from lease rental income was beyond the control of the assessee and also due to the delay in getting no-deduction certificate from the AO. In view of the same, the assessee was deprived of funds to the extent of TDS amount, which would have otherwise used for the purpose of business purposes including repayment of loan taken for construction of IT parks and SEZ. The Income tax department was required to pay interest only due to the delay in granting refund of TDS. In the case of Liberty India Ltd, relied upon by the AO, the assessee therein received DEPB credits as per the scheme framed by the Government of India. Hence the Hon’ble Supreme Court held that the primary source of the DEPB receipt is the scheme framed by the Government. However, in the instant case, TDS deduction is integral part connected with the receipt of lease income and the same cannot be separted from the activity carried on by the assessee

DATE: October 28, 2015 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: November 5, 2015 (Date of publication)
AY: 2008-09
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S. 37(1): A business is “set up” the moment employees are recruited for the purpose of the business. All expenditure incurred thereafter is allowable as a deduction even if the business has not commenced

Setting up of business is different from commencement of business and the expenditures are allowable on setting up of business. The assessee has recruited employees for the purpose of its business and about 16 employees are for the job of quality assurance. In our considered opinion, upon recruitment of employees, the factum that expenditure under the different heads was incurred is indicative that business was set up

DATE: October 30, 2015 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: November 4, 2015 (Date of publication)
AY: 2009-10
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Scope of Explanation 5A to S. 271(1)(c) on deemed concealment despite income having been offered in the search return explained

The deeming provisions of Explanation 5A under section 271(1)(c) of the Act are applicable to all the searches initiated under section 132 of the Act on or after first day of June, 2007. Reading the said provisions of the Explanation 5A to section 271(1)(c) of the Act, it is noted that the person is deemed to have concealed particulars of his income or furnished inaccurate particulars of such income, which is equivalent to the value of money, bullion, jewellery, valuable articles or things from the possession of the assessee during the course of search conducted on or after first day of June, 2007

DATE: November 3, 2015 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: November 4, 2015 (Date of publication)
AY: 2010-11
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S. 263: CIT’s action of stepping into shoes of AO and virtually redoing assessment by issuing specific directions to AO is unlawful. Remand to AO with direction to give opportunity of hearing to assessee is meaningless

It is trite law that it is not permissible for the CIT being a revisional authority to step into the shoes of the Assessing officer and to redo the assessment and pass fresh assessment order. In the instant case, the Commissioner has set aside the order of the Assessing officer on the aforesaid issues with a direction to the Assessing officer to pass a fresh assessment order. At the same time, the Commissioner has directed the Assessing officer to make specific additions. Remanding the matter to the Assessing officer is of no consequence, particularly when the CIT himself has reframed the assessment. The CIT has not left any scope for the Assessing officer to redo the assessment or pass a fresh assessment order

DATE: October 14, 2015 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: October 30, 2015 (Date of publication)
AY: 2009-10
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Correctness of law laid down by Bombay High Court in Ace Builder 281 ITR 210 that deduction u/s 54EC is available to short-term capital gains computed u/s 50 doubted by Tribunal

By virtue of the deeming provision of section 50, cost of a long-term capital asset (LTCA), i.e., as per section 2(29A), where depreciable, forming part of a block assets on which depreciation stands claimed, the capital gain on its transfer would have to be computed in terms thereof, i.e. by treating the WDV of the relevant block of assets (or, as the case may be, the relevant asset) as its cost of acquisition. The second deeming per the provision of section 50 is qua the nature of such capital gains, i.e., as capital gains arising from the transfer of a STCA. Section 54EC is available on capital gain arising on the transfer of a LTCA, i.e., which is not a STCA by definition. The same shall, therefore, not apply to capital gains computed u/s.50

DATE: October 28, 2015 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: October 30, 2015 (Date of publication)
AY: 2001-02 to 2005-06
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The AO cannot treat a transaction as bogus only on the basis of suspicion or surmise. He has to bring material on record to support his finding that there has been collusion/connivance between the broker and the assessee for the introduction of its unaccounted money. A transaction of purchase and sale of shares, supported by Contract Notes and demat statements and Account Payee Cheques cannot be treated as bogus

Where the payments are made by Account Payee Cheques and the existence of the brokers is not disputed the assessee cannot be punished for the default of the brokers and share transactions cannot be held to be bogus. When purchase and sale of shares were supported by proper Contract Notes, deliveries of shares were received through demat accounts maintained with various agencies, the shares were purchased and sold through recognised broker and the sale considerations were received by Account Payee Cheques, the transactions cannot be treated as bogus. Assessment cannot be made on the basis of suspicion or surmise. The AO has not brought any material on record to support his finding that there has been collusion/connivance between the broker and the appellant for the introduction of its unaccounted money