CIT vs. Krishan K. Aggarwal (Supreme Court)

DATE: January 16, 2017 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: May 22, 2017 (Date of publication)
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Supreme Court issues strictures against the income-tax department stating that it is "extremely unhappy" with the delay of 3381 days in refiling the SLP and demands that "The concerned authorities need to wake up"

Learned Solicitor General says that in view of the decision of this Court in ACG Associated Capsules (P) Ltd. v. Commissioner of Income Tax (Central-IV), Mumbai [(2012) 3 SCC 321], this petition be dismissed on merits.

We are extremely unhappy with the delay of 3381 days in refiling the special leave petition but make no other comment. The concerned authorities need to wake up.

The special leave petition is dismissed both on the ground of delay as also on merits.

One comment on “CIT vs. Krishan K. Aggarwal (Supreme Court)
  1. Bobjee G Kurien says:

    how many times should the courts wake up a dormant Income tax department .How many times should the chairman CBDT express his failure to tone up the administration How many times the CBI and ACB raid the officials of the department to prove that there is rampant corruption in the department
    The answer my friend is blowing in the wind with no one bold enough to take the runaway bull by the horns

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