Search Results For: 115JB

DATE: June 6, 2016 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: July 8, 2016 (Date of publication)
AY: 2008-09
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Mesne profits (amount received from a person in wrongful possession of property) is a capital receipt and not chargeable to tax either as income or as "book profits" u/s 115JB. As the department has implicitly accepted Narang Overseas vs. ACIT 100 ITD (Mum) (SB), it cannot file an appeal on the issue in the case of other assessees

The Special Bench of the Tribunal in Narang Overseas Pvt. Ltd held that the same is capital in nature. There is no doubt that the issue arising herein is also with regard to the character of mesne profits received by the Assessee. In this case also, the amounts are received by the Assessee from a person in wrongful possession of its property i.e. after the relationship of landlord and tenant has come to an end. Once the Special Bench order of the Tribunal in Narang Overseas Pvt. Ltd has taken a view on the character of mesne profits, then unless the Revenue challenges the order of the Special Bench of the Tribunal it would be unfair of the Revenue to pick and choose assessees where it would follow the decision of the Special Bench of the Tribunal in Narang Overseas Pvt. Ltd. The least that is expected of the State which prides itself on Rule of Law is that it would equally apply the law to all assessees’s

DATE: February 9, 2016 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: March 30, 2016 (Date of publication)
AY: 2011-12
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S. 115JA/115JB: Capital receipts (such as subsidy & carbon credits), which have no income element, have to be excluded from book profits even if credited to the P&L A/c

The genesis of Sec 115J, thereafter section 115JA and now section 115JB was to ensure that the assessee, while making profit from operations, should not enjoy tax free status due to various deductions available under the Income Tax Act. There was never any intention of the legislature to tax what is not income at all. In a recent decision, the Hon’ble Apex Court in the case of Indo Rama Synthetics (I) Ltd -vs- CIT (2011) 330 ITR 363 (SC) has held that the object of MAT provisions is to bring out the real profit of the companies. The thrust is to find out the real working results of the company. Inclusion of receipt in the computation of MAT would defeat two fundamental principles, it would levy tax on receipt which is not in the nature of income at all and secondly it would not result in arriving at real working results of the company. The real working result can be arrived at only after excluding this receipt which has been credited to P&L a/c and not otherwise

DATE: March 4, 2016 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: March 25, 2016 (Date of publication)
AY: 2006-07
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S. 115JB: As the loss suffered on transfer of business was rightly debited to the P&L A/c as per AS 13, it cannot be added back to the Book Profits

The accounting standards laid down by the institute however provide for recognition of the profit or loss arising out of investment in the profit and loss account. Reference in this regard may be made to Clauses 21 and 25 of Accounting Standard 13. The disclosure made in the financial statements is in pursuance of the requirement of Clause- 25 quoted above and is also in pursuance of Clause 2(b) of Part II of Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956 which is not to be construed as any qualification indicating any inaccuracy in the accounts. There was, thus no mistake on the part of the assessee in debiting the loss to the profit and loss account. Once it is realized that the assessee had correctly debited the profit and loss account for the loss arising out of the transfer of investment division, there remains no difficulty in realizing that the CIT proceeded on a wrong premise which was responsible for exercise of jurisdiction under Section 263 which he would not have done if he had realized the correct position

DATE: March 2, 2016 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: March 25, 2016 (Date of publication)
AY: 2009-10
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S. 14A/ 115JB: (i) Investments in subsidiary companies are strategic investments to whom s. 14A disallowance does not apply (ii) Receipt on forfeiture of share warrants is a capital receipt and has to be excluded from "Book Profits" even if credited to the P&L A/c

The assessee has duly disclosed the fact of forfeiture of share warrants amounting to Rs. 12,65,75,000/- in its notes on accounts vide Note No. 6 to Schedule 11 of Financial Statements for the year ended 31.3.2009. Hence following the decision of the Mumbai Tribunal in Shivalik Venture (P) Ltd vs. DCIT (2015) 173 TTJ (Mumbai) 238, the profit and loss account prepared in accordance with Part II and III of Schedule VI of Companies Act 1956, includes notes on accounts thereon and accordingly in order to determine the real profit of the assessee

DATE: October 7, 2015 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: November 18, 2015 (Date of publication)
AY: 2005-06
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S. 115JB: Even a non-taxable capital receipt credited to the P&L A/c cannot be excluded while computing the book profits. The fact that the notes to the A/cs state that the receipt is on capital account is irrelevant. Shivalik Venture distinguished

The decisions relied upon by the assessee are applicable on the facts and circumstances where if an item of income or expenditure which is required to be disclosed in the P&L A/c prepared as per provisions of Schedule VI of the Companies Act but instead of disclosing the said item in the P&L A/c, it was disclosed in the Notes to the accounts, then such item of income or expenditure will be treated as part of the P&L A/c for the purpose of computing book profits u/s 115JB. Once P&L A/c is admittedly prepared as per Schedule VI of the Companies Act, then neither the AO has any power to tinker with it nor the assessee is permitted to claim exclusion or inclusion of any item of income or expenditure as the case may be, for the purpose of computing book profits u/s 115JB except the permissible adjustment provided under the Explanation to sec. 115JB of the Act itself

DATE: August 19, 2015 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: August 22, 2015 (Date of publication)
AY: 2009-10
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S. 115JB: (i) Even if an amount is credited to the P&L A/c, the assessee can seek exclusion of that amount for purposes of “book profits” if a note to that effect is inserted in the A/cs (ii) The exemption conferred by S. 115JB to sums exempt u/s 10 should be extended to all sums which are not chargeable to tax

The profit arising on transfer of capital asset to its wholly owned Indian subsidiary company is liable to be excluded from the Net profit., i.e., the Net profit disclosed in the Profit and Loss account should be reduced by the amount of profit arising on transfer of capital asset and the amount so arrived at shall be taken as “Net profit as shown in the profit and loss account” for the purpose of computation of book profit under Explanation 1 to sec. 115JB of the Act. Alternatively, since the said profit does not fall under the definition of “income” at all and since it does not enter into the computation provisions at all, there is no question of including the same in the Book Profit as per the scheme of the provisions of sec. 115JB of the Act

DATE: August 12, 2015 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: August 22, 2015 (Date of publication)
AY: 2004-05
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S. 115JB: Dept’s grievance that if amount is not credited to P&L A/c, accounts are not correctly prepared as per Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956 and adjustment to book profits can be made is not acceptable if auditors and ROC have not found fault with A/cs

The Assessing Officer does not have power to embark upon the fresh enquiry with regard to the entries made in the books of accounts of the Company when the accounts of an assessee Company is prepared in terms of Part II Schedule VI of the Companies Act scrutinized and certified by the statutory auditors, approved by the Company in general meeting and thereafter filed before the Registrar of Companies who has a statutory obligation also to examine and be satisfied that the accounts of the company are maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act. If the grievance of the revenue is to be accepted, then the conclusiveness of accounts prepared and audited in terms of Section 115JB of the Companies Act would be set at naught

DATE: August 14, 2015 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: August 22, 2015 (Date of publication)
AY: 2007-08
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S. 115JB: Amount towards waiver of loan under OTSS, credited to "General Reserves" and not to the P&L Account cannot be added to "book profits"

Assessing Officer has not specified categorically that as to how the Part II & III of Schedule VI has not been followed or is against the prescribed accounting standard there is a requirement of law that waiver of loan taken for utilizing capital expansion is to be routed only through profit and loss account and cannot be credited to the ‘General Reserve’, i.e. directly in the Balance sheet

DATE: June 30, 2015 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: July 29, 2015 (Date of publication)
AY: 1999-00
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S. 28(va)/ 115JA: non-compete consideration received prior to insertion of s. 28(va) is not taxable. Amount credited to reserves without a corresponding debit to the P&L A/c cannot be added to the "book profits"

To invoke clause (b) of the Explanation below Section 115JB (identical to Section 115JA) of the Act, two conditions must be satisfied cumulatively viz. there must be a debit of the amount to the Profit and loss account and the amount so debited must be carried to Reserves. Admitted position in this case is that there is no debit to the Profit and loss account of the amount of Reserves. The impugned order has in view of the self evident position taken a view that in the absence of the amount being debited to Profit and Loss account and taken directly to the reserve account in the balance sheet, the book profits as declared under the Profit and Loss account cannot be tampered with

DATE: June 10, 2015 (Date of pronouncement)
DATE: June 22, 2015 (Date of publication)
AY: 2009-10
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S. 115JB: In computing the "book profits" the entire capital gains have to be included without computing the benefits of indexation

The book profits as contemplated in section 115JB means the net profit, which has been shown/credited in the profit & loss account as prepared under the relevant provisions of the Companies Act. The concept of indexation while computing the Long term capital gain cannot be imported to the computation of book profit u/s. 115JB as per the expressed provisions of the said section itself which is a complete code in itself