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Latest Constitution Of ITAT Benches And Cause Lists

This is the scanned version of the printed Board, signed by the Assistant Registrar, and so it is as reliable as it can get.

ITAT Bar Association,
C/o Income Tax Appellate Tribunal,
Old CGO Building, 4th Floor, Room No. 445 (Library), Maharashi Karve Road, Mumbai 400 020. Tel: (022) 2205 5138, Fax: (022) 2203 6119, E Mail:

Office Bearers for the term 2025-26:
President: Adv. K. Gopal
Vice – Presidents: Adv. Nitesh Joshi & Adv. Ajay R. Singh
Honorary Secretaries: Adv. Paras S. Savla & Adv. Rahul K. Hakani
Honorary Treasurer: CA Anil J. Sathe
Advisors: Shri. Y. P. Trivedi, Shri. S. E. Dastur & Dr. K. Shivaram

Credit: We thank AIFTP for generously allowing us to host a lot of their research material.