ITAT has always been known for the high quality of its orders. Our orders have received praise form judge including sitting judge of the Supreme Court, who sit in appeal over them. However, of late I am concerned to note that some of the High court has criticized our lack of quality, detailed reasoning, non-recording of basic or vital facts and the arguments etc. I know that these are only exception to the general rules that we pass well-reasoned and speaking order. I am also aware of the pains and efforts taken by Members in general to pass quality orders and that wherever they slip, it is not intentional. It is however, unfortunate that adverse publicity is sought to be given only to the small percentage of orders, which suffer in quality. I am afraid that an Uninformed person may draw wrong conclusions form such publicity and may be misled to think that we are, in general not passing proper and speaking orders. That is a situation, which I want to avoid, if I can help it. I want to remove this impression whither it is carried by higher courts or by the public or the members of the Bar. I, therefore, thought it necessary to take measures to ensure that every single order we pass meets the requirements of a speaking order. One such erasure which was actively debated and decided in the conference of the Vice-Presidents recently held in Mumbai was to reduce the monthly disposal-target to 50, but with the understanding the a Members will pay utmost attention to the quality of the orders they pass and will not give room for any criticism from any quarters.
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