Download Cause List Of The ITAT Mumbai Benches

April 10, 2024
Consolidated Cause List of SA/MA/Pronouncement for Friday 12.04.2024
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April 10, 2024
Constitution of Benches form 15.04.2024 to 18.04.2024 and 22.04.2024 to 25.04.2024.
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April 8, 2024
Revised Cause List for 10.04.2024
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April 5, 2024
Cause list for the period from 08.04.2024 to 10.04.2024
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April 4, 2024
Cause List of SA MA Pronouncement for FRIDAY 05.04.2024
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April 3, 2024
Revised Cause list for 04.04.2024
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April 2, 2024
Notice Transfer of appeals & Revised Cause list for 03.04.2024
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March 28, 2024
Cause list for the Period from 01.04.2024 to 04.04.2024.
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March 28, 2024
Constitution of Benches from 01.04.2024 to 04.04.2024 and 08.04.2024 to 10.04.2024.
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March 22, 2024
Cause list for the period from 26.03.2024 to 28.03.2024.
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