Author: editor

The CBDT has issued Circular No. 15 of 2015 dated 3rd September 2015 stating that The Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015 has introduced a tax compliance provision under Chapter VI of the Act. The Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income an d Assets) and Imposition of Tax Rules, 2015 (hereinafter referred to as ‘ the Rules’) have been notified. In this regard, circular No. 13 of 2015 dated 6th July, 2015 issued by the Board provided clarifications to 32 queries. Subsequently, further queries have been received from the public about the tax compliance provisions under Chapter VI of the Act. The Board has considered the same and issued clarifications

In view of CBDT order F.No.225/154/2015/ITA-11 tinted 2.9.2015 issued under section 119 of the Income-tax Act, extending the due date for e-filing returns of income from 31″ August, 2015 to 7th September, 2015 in respect of all taxpayers who were required to e-file their returns of income by 31″ August, 2015, the ‘due date’ for filing return of wealth by such assessees for assessment year 2015.16 also stands extended from 31″ August 201510 7th September 2015

These guidelines will regulate the grant and payment of reward to informants who provide specific and credible information of the whereabouts/assets of persons , on or after 31.03.2015, which results in the collection of taxes, penalties, interest or other amounts (hereinafter “tax”) already levied under the Income Tax Act , 1961 and the Wealth Tax Act , 1957. Grant and payment of reward for information before 31.03.2015 will continue to be regulated by ‘Guidelines for Grant of Rewards to Informants 2007’

Vide order dated 01.09.2015 passed by the Hon’ble President pursuant to the consultations with the Collegium of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal consisting of the President and two senior most Vice Presidents, the following Members of the ITAT have been transferred in the same capacity to the respective Benches

A Committee on Direct Tax Matters chaired by Justice A.P. Shah, was constituted to examine the issue of applicability of Minimum Alternate Tax (‘MAT’) on Flis/FPls for the period prior to 01.04.2015. The Committee has submitted its final report to the Government on 25.08.2015. The Committee has recommended that section 115JB of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (‘Act’) may be amended to clarify the inapplicability of the provisions of section 115JB to FlIs/FPls having no permanent establishment (PE)/place of business in India. The Government has accepted the said recommendation and it has been decided to carry out appropriate amendment in the Act so as to prescribe that MAT provisions will not be applicable to Flls/FPls not having a place of business/permanent establishment In India, for the period prior to 01.04.2015.

Vide order dated 01.09.2015 passed by the Hon’ble President pursuant to the consultations with the Collegium of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal consisting of the President and two senior most Vice Presidents, the following Members of the ITAT have been transferred in the same capacity to the respective Benches, in public interest, with immediate effect

CBDT has further received representations that across the country, taxpayers had faced hardships in E-Filing Returns of Income on the last date i.e. 31st August, 2015 due to slowing down of certain e-services. Therefore, after considering the matter, CBOT in exercise of powers conferred under section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, hereby extends the ‘due-date’ for E-Filing Returns of Income from 31st August, 2015 to 7th September, 2015 in respect of all the taxpayers who were required to E-File their returns by 31st August, 2015.

Vide Order No. 152 dated 01.09.2015 the CBDT has directed that several officers promoted in the grade of Principal Commissioner of Income Tax on ad-hoc basis vide Order No 15 of 2015 dated 30.01.2015 and Order No. 55 of 2015 dated 27.04.2015 are hereby promoted on regular basis taking into consideration regular vacancies that have arisen subsequently due to retirement/ VRS / death of officers/ long term deputations in the grade of Principal CIT, with effect from the date indicated against each of them. Vide Order No. 153 of 2015 dated 01.09.2015, the CBDT has stated that the President is pleased to grant Proforma Promotion to several Commissioners of Income Tax, who are on deputation to ex-cadre posts mentioned against each of them, to the grade of Principal Commissioner of Income Tax (in HAG scale of Pay of Rs. 67,000/ – 79,000/-) w.e f. date on which their junior was promoted in the cadre as indicated against each of them.

The Government has accepted the recommendation of the Committee to clarify the inapplicability of MAT to FIIs/FPIs and has decided that an appropriate amendment to the Income-tax Act will be carried out. Through the amendment the Government proposes to clarify that MAT provisions will not be applicable to FIIs/FPIs not having a place of business/ permanent establishment in India, for the period prior to 01.04.2015. Pending such amendment, CBDT will convey to the field formations the decision of the Government to accept the recommendation.

The CBDT has issued Instruction No. 08/ 2015 dated 31.08.2015 to lay down the parameters for compulsory manual selection of cases for scrutiny during the Financial Year 2015-2016